Blood drive in Paraná: “People are more likely to donate outside the hospital”

This Wednesday, an external blood drive will be held on the waterfront of the city of Paraná. It is organized by the municipality in conjunction with the Provincial Hemotherapy Program. The call is open to the public.

In dialogue with Elonce, Gabriela Jacobo, coordinator of the Provincial Hemotherapy Program, made an assessment of this new collection and said that “it is extremely positive. The collection is one of the tools that has a great impact on the Program and a positive effect on the population as well because it helps raise awareness among everyone to donate blood.”

Asked about the number of people who attend these sessions, she mentioned that they receive between 35 and 45 donors. And she highlighted the impact they have in the interior of the province, where they are always expected. Currently, two collections are carried out per week, one in the city of Paraná and another in the interior. “It is an important contribution to the blood bank.”

In this sense, Jacob noted that People “are more likely to donate outside the hospital” and is waiting for the opportunity to donate in these external collections. “They always ask us when we are going to go to a certain neighborhood and they wait for that,” he said.

On the other hand, he pointed out that donations “drop significantly during vacations and holidays or long holidays, which is when we insist the most on the need to attend because the demand never stops.”

Who Most of those who attend to donate are women and young people, between 18 and 35 years old.“This is motivating for us, because it means that they are learning.”

The next collections will be in the town of Feliciano, and next week there will be one at the Council of Economic Sciences in the city of Paraná. In addition, the Hemotherapy Program has a schedule until November.

For her part, Claudia Enrique, Secretary of Health and Environment of the municipality of Paraná, highlighted the call and expressed that “there are many myths” about blood donation, “but it is essential that people know that If you donate, nothing happens to you and you are helping others.”. And in response to this, he added: “You have to feel well, an anonymous survey is done to find out if you are in a condition to donate. In addition, tests are done and if any of the results are positive, they are called and provided with assistance – a minimum health check is done.”


“It is a good initiative, an interesting contribution that someone who is healthy can do for someone who needs it. In general, young people have the talent to donate to these causes that mobilize,” said a young man who was willing to donate and repeat this act of solidarity.

Another girl said: “When I can, I donate and I join these events. Afterwards I go to work. You have to cheer up, nothing happens”.

Finally, a young man said that “This is the first time I’m going to donate. A friend invited me and I think it’s important. I had doubts but I asked and they sent me all the information.I’m anxious and I already want him to touch me. With a simple act we are helping a person in need.”.

An external blood drive was carried out on the Paraná Coastline



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