Blood donation: What you need to know if you want to donate blood

Blood donation – what donors need to know

Around half a liter of blood is taken from a whole blood donation

© Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa-tmn

Donated blood and plasma are indispensable in medicine. Here are important facts for anyone who wants to donate

Many things are possible from the 18th birthday: Saving lives with a blood or plasma donation is also one of them.

The maximum age for first-time donors is usually 60 years, regular donations are possible for experienced donors up to the age of 68 according to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). The two age limits are not set in stone. Older people can also donate in individual cases with medical approval.

The following applies to everyone: You have to feel fit and healthy on the day of the donation and, according to the BZgA, weigh at least 50 kilograms.

Health check before donation

Before the donation, the state of health is checked: according to the German Red Cross (DRK), it is part of the body temperature to be measured. The hemoglobin level in the blood is also determined with a small prick in the finger. According to the DRK, if it is too low, this is a possible indication of iron deficiency. Blood donation is not possible on this day.

There are also a variety of reasons for a temporary deferral. Anyone who has been infected with the corona virus within the past four weeks should not donate blood. At least one week’s leave applies to simple infections such as a cold.

For example, blood cannot be donated for four months after tattoos, and four weeks after vaccination with live vaccines. In the case of corona vaccinations with the currently available vaccines, however, blood donations are possible as early as the following day. If there are no vaccination reactions such as fever or local swelling, the DRK Blood Donation Service West will provide information.

Some people are barred from donating blood. These include people with certain chronic diseases, such as insulin-dependent diabetics.

Plan enough time

It is advisable not to donate on an empty stomach and instead eat and drink enough before and after donating blood. This prevents circulatory problems. After the blood donation, strenuous training is no longer on the daily schedule.

You should plan around an hour for a whole blood donation – this includes the preliminary examination and rest afterwards. It takes around ten minutes to draw around 500 milliliters of blood.

In the case of a plasma donation, the collection takes around 30 to 45 minutes, which is significantly longer. During the donation, the plasma is usually separated from the other blood components in a special device – these are then returned to the body.

Up to 60 plasma donations are possible per year, the minimum interval between them is three days. Women can only donate whole blood four times a year, men six times. There must be a break of at least eight weeks in between.

If you donate blood, you should bring your identity card with you and remember to bring your blood donor card with you if you donate more. You will receive it a few weeks after the first donation.

Help others, benefit yourself

First and foremost, of course, you help others with your donation. In addition to the good feeling, depending on the blood donation service, there are also small gifts, vouchers, money or charitable donations.

And you learn something about your own body. After the donation premiere, you know your own blood group – this is usually not stated on the results of other laboratory tests of the blood. The German Society for Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology (DGTI) points this out.

Thorough examinations prior to donating blood can also be used to detect possible illnesses at an early stage.

Tom Heaven, dpa

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