Blonde Actor Looks Strangely Like Louis Morissette

In the bag of chips inbox, we receive all kinds of messages.

• Read also: A woman is stunned to discover Elvis’ face in the bottom of her ketchup jar at McDonald’s

Some are nice, some are mean, and some are weird.

But once in a while, we get some very interesting ones.

On Sunday, one of our readers wrote to tell us regarding one of the stars of Blonde, available on Netflix since this weekend.

In the film, which tells a fictionalized version of the tragic story of Marilyn Monroe, US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is played by Danish actor Caspar Phillipson.


Over the years, Phillipson has played the first Catholic president in many movies and series, given that he looks a lot like him.


But he doesn’t just look like JFK. He also looks like Louis Morissette.


So, if we go by logic, Louis Morissette looks like JFK.

If we ever need to sort out the pipe of the man who died in 1964 in a Bye Bye, we know who to call.

Also on the Bag of Crisps:



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