“Blizzard’s Overwatch Continues to Celebrate Pride Month with New LGBTQ+ Characters in Latest Comic: ‘As You Are'”

2023-05-30 19:35:50

Studio Blizzard continues with might and main to prepare for the beginning of the celebration of the so-called “Months of Pride“. And it is not surprising that this time the characters again turned out to be the victims of the studio scriptwriters Overwatch.

This week, the studio published a comic titled As You Are (“The way you are“). The story deals with the themes of “identity, love and friendship”.

Heroes are at the center of the story Farrah and Baptiste. As a result, it turns out that the writers decided to make the first lesbian and the second bisexual.

The studio has long been actively flirting with the “rainbow” community. And this is far from the first time that characters have been given an “alternative” sexual orientation through comics (you may recall Soldier 76 and Tracer).

The nuance is that Overwatch 2 there are huge reputation issues associated with the cancellation of PvE mode. Players joke grimly about the fact that Blizzard is easier to change the sexual preferences of the characters than to release a working co-op, without which the existence of a shooter as a full-fledged sequel now makes no sense.

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#Blizzard #replenished #Rainbow #Army #characters #Overwatch

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