Blizzard Heroes: Revival and Updates in the PTR Test! Will Microsoft’s Acquisition Signal a New Dawn?

2023-10-24 04:01:09
The game is still there! “Blizzard Heroes” released a PTR test update, and Twitter posted a post after a year and a half. “Blizzard Heroes” was launched in 2014. At first, I thought it would create another MOBA world, but because its team mechanism was too easy to snowball, it ultimately failed. Defeating competing products such as “DOTA2” or “League of Legends”, the official announced in July 2022 that it would not make major updates in the future but would still maintain the operation of the game. Now, the official Twitter suddenly posted a message after a year and a half, “Blizzard Heroes” The PTR server update has raised some people’s hopes. Could it be possible after Microsoft takes over? “Blizzard Heroes” announced an update to the PTR server on Twitter, including an increase in the healing effect of Great Swordsman Samurao’s Wind Step from 1% to 3% and a reduction in cost from 5% to 4%, multiple character interface modifications, and many Automatic skills will no longer hit invincible enemies, etc. We also appreciate the community’s response. Although the official may not directly respond to the problem, it will still make corrections. We hope players will play and respond to the status of the PTR test server. But obviously players don’t care about this, but this Twitter has been revived for more than a year and a half and continues to post. In addition to some people who are surprised that the game is not dead, there are also people who wonder whether everything will still be there after Microsoft officially purchases Activision Blizzard. Is there any possibility of change? “Blizzard Heroes” integrates all its games for MOBA battles
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