Blizzard Discusses New Measures Related to Overwatch 2’s Defensive Matrix Program – Overwatch

2023-10-09 18:05:00

Blizzard has just posted a new article related to the Defensive Matrix programOverwatch 2, this time returning to the impact of departures during the game, queue penalties, planned improvements to the ping system and the importance of reporting. Find all the details below.

Welcome to another edition of Defensive Matrix news, aimed at deterring disruptive behavior and cheating in Overwatch 2. The last time, we presented the measures taken against negative behavior in writing and audio, in order to ensure cordial and fun games, as well as the measures aimed at combating cheating. Season 7 is about to begin, and this time we’re going to focus on the inconvenience caused by players leaving games in progress, and highlighting built-in communications systems, like markers. Watch out, it’s gone.

Understanding the impact of departures during the game

Our goal is to ensure that during PvP matches in Overwatch 2, you can have fun without having to worry about the behavior of your fellow players. However, when a player leaves a match in progress, it affects the gaming pleasure of all those who remain.

Outside of competitive games, we prefer to leave a comfortable margin of maneuver for those who need to leave a game in progress for reasons external to the game. For example, we prefer to give you the possibility of leaving so as not to have to endure the negative behavior from other players (don’t forget to report these behaviors). It is sometimes necessary to have to leave suddenly during the game (right, young parents?). You may also encounter technical issues, in which case it will be best to stick to unrated game modes while you sort out these issues. It is also possible that your contacts will connect and ask you to join them. These scenarios are acceptable, because they will not impact the next game in which you participate.

The scenario that interests us here is that of players who leave a game to disrupt it before starting another immediately. When your team finds itself outnumbered, the battle can quickly seem lost in advance. In most unranked game modes, the person in question will quickly be replaced. However, she starts a game already started without an ultimate ability charge and can easily have a bad time. We therefore prefer to discourage players from leaving games in progress, especially if it is done with the aim of causing harm.

Queue penalties after leaving a game in progress

Previously, when you left too many games, we applied a 75% penalty to the Battle Pass EXP you earned. Unfortunately, this was not enough to dissuade players from leaving games in progress, and those who had to leave for reasons beyond their control were still penalized.

For Season 7, we will be implementing holds for most queues. If you quit four games in your last 20 games, you will no longer be able to queue for 10 minutes. This suspension can be increased to 30 minutes if you still persist in leaving the games in progress. This change seems more suitable to us to target those who repeatedly leave games and whose behavior affects the quality of the games, without unduly penalizing other players.

The penalties for competitive games remain the same, namely a 15-minute suspension if you leave a game in progress without completing it. This sanction may be extended if you persist in leaving the games in progress, and may go as far as a permanent suspension from competitive games until the end of the season.

Encourage positivity

In our last article on the Defensive Matrix, we discussed the means implemented to deter negative behavior, particularly with written discussion parameters. We will add a new mark system during season 7, which also aims to improve in-game communication. This mark system, thanks to the wheel dedicated to it, allows you to send intuitive in-game alerts that can be understood by the user. all players, regardless of language.

The combined use of audio and text chat is only essential at high levels of competitive play. In fact, the default settings will be modified accordingly. The written discussion will be disabled by default (instead of the other way around) in team and game chat channels. The audio discussion will be activated by default (instead of Connexion auto). You will need to manually activate these channels if you want to use them. We hope to encourage the use of brands, which we believe are very effective in coordinating the team’s efforts while reducing the impact of negative behavior.

Thank you for your report!

We wanted to thank you for your reports and your efforts. You increasingly view the reporting reports you receive when you log in! Remember, your reports go a long way in helping us combat disruptive behavior and quickly identify new types of behavior in the online community. We also wanted to refute some preconceived ideas about reporting and emphasize their importance. Reports are valuable in the fight against harmful behavior.

A report is valid for the entire part in which it is made. This means that a report is equally valuable whether it is made by one person or nine. Group reports during the same game will not have more weight than a single report. However, they will have it if this same behavior is reported during several games and by a large number of players. It is therefore not useful to encourage reporting in discussion channels. This can sometimes even deteriorate the enjoyment of the game.

Additionally, the Avoid as Teammate function in the social menu has a specific use. It is a versatile tool, which allows you to control your gaming experience. However, this option does not prevent the person you want to avoid from continuing to engage in disruptive behavior.

Conversely,’s Block feature allows you to cut off all communication with the person in question, but will not prevent you from ending up in the same game as them. Use the Avoid as a teammate option when you don’t want to be around the person in question.

But report disruptive behavior when you can! These reports help us enormously to quickly and effectively combat behavior that can harm the enjoyment of the game. Do not hesitate to consult our Code of Conduct to know if it is better to report a behavior or not. Thank you for helping us maintain a positive community!

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