Blizzard: “Diablo 4” will be released on Steam

2023-10-05 06:55:00

“Diablo 4” is also getting a Steam version: After “Overwatch 2,” Blizzard is bringing another of its current games to the competing platform after temporary exclusivity. “Diablo 4” will be available on Steam on October 17th, Blizzard announced.


Die Shop page for “Diablo 4” has already been created. The second season of Hack’n’Slay for Blizzard also begins on October 17th a big patch prepared. The changes primarily include comfort improvements: players should level up faster, mounts travel more quickly in the world and gems no longer take up valuable space in the inventory.

Blizzard also wants to have reduced the time you have to wander around in dungeons. High-quality unique items should also be found more frequently. In doing so, Blizzard is addressing many of the criticisms that the community has pilloried since launch. The mood among the players is bad – so it’s important for Blizzard to turn things around as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, a similar scenario to “Overwatch 2” could threaten: In August, the online shooter became the first Blizzard title in years to become available on Steam. There he promptly became the target of review bombing. To date, “Overwatch 2” is one of the worst-rated games on Steam. There is no option to submit user reviews on Blizzard’s own platform

Blizzard decided to release its games on Steam again in July. “ will continue to be a priority, but we understand that some players want the option to play our games on Steam. We look forward to working with Valve to make this possible,” said Blizzard President Mike Ybarra. Anyone who buys Blizzard games on Steam still needs to have a account and the app in order to activate and start the game there.

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Several larger game companies have experimented with their own launchers and platforms in recent years in order to be able to keep all their sales. This includes both Bethesda and Ubisoft. Both studios have at least partially removed their games from Steam, only to later return them to the market-leading Valve platform. Apparently it is difficult for the studios to do without the large audience of the most used PC platform. Blizzard’s has been available since the end of 1996 and is therefore significantly older than Valve’s Steam, which has existed since 2003.


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