Blanquer regrets the symbolism of Ibiza, but takes his vacation, Mélenchon wants to “disobey”… The political recap of the day

Le World keeps the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m., which reviews the political events of the past day and discusses upcoming meetings.

  • Criticized for his departure to Ibiza, Jean-Michel Blanquer defends himself before the National Assembly

The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, at the National Assembly, January 11, 2022.

Criticized by many opposition elected officials since the revelations of Mediapart according to which he finalized the health protocol for the return to school during his vacation in Ibiza, the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, defended himself before the deputies, Tuesday January 18, during questions to the government, and before 8 p.m. on TF1. “The symbolism, I regret it. I probably should have chosen another [lieu] », he said, without formulating a mea culpa. “Would the decisions have been different if I had been somewhere else? No “, he added.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Michel Blanquer announced from Ibiza the protocol for the return to school in January

“With the majority, with my teams, with all the teachers in France, we hold the policy of the open school, that is what is essential, and do not get lost in the accessory”, continued Jean-Michel Blanquer. The revival of criticism of the minister, five days after a major strike by the educational community against the health protocol and two days before a new mobilization, scheduled for Thursday, makes it difficult to see the progress on the ground, which the executive would nevertheless like to show. : “Things, far from getting worse, are getting better organized”, tried to advance Mr. Blanquer.

  • Quote of the day: Jean-Luc Mélenchon assumes the evolution of his relationship with Europe

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in Paris, January 17, 2022.

“The conditions are ripe for a big change in Europe”

With the approach of his third participation in the presidential election, the candidate of La France insoumise in the presidential election has changed his European project: the confrontation with the Community institutions that he advocated five years ago has given way place for disobedience to treaties incompatible with the program of La France insoumise. A practice of« opt-out » (opt-out), he says, in an interview with World, wish to apply systematically to free trade agreements and to each provision of a European treaty in the event of contradiction with its program, “The future in common”.

Read the interview: Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “The conditions are ripe for a big change in Europe”

The ambition to leave the euro no longer figures in the said programme, in view of the “economic and political chaos which would result from an aggressive position of France”, considers the candidate, who claims to want to move towards leaving the North Atlantic Treaty Organization if he is elected President of the Republic, to restore « [la] military sovereignty [de la France] ». As for his position on Vladimir Putin’s regime, the Bouches-du-Rhône MP says: “The anti-Russian policy is not in our interest, it is dangerous and absurd. The key word is de-escalation. »

  • The proposal of the day: Christiane Taubira wants a referendum on nuclear power

Invited by France Inter on Tuesday morning, the former Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira, candidate for the presidential election within the framework of the Popular Primary, declared that she wanted the organization of a referendum on nuclear power. Although this energy « [ne soit] not carbonaceous and allows[te] to drastically reduce carbon emissions”, Mme Taubira believes that “it is not a green energy for all that”. “A very heavy subject is the question of radioactive waste. It is truly a terrible legacy that we are leaving for future generations.”, she said, saying she was opposed to nuclear power.

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Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the eruption of Christiane Taubira, an attempt at rapprochement between socialists and ecologists

“It is typically a subject to which we must introduce democracy, she supported, announcing her wish to organize a referendum on nuclear power. On such a heavy subject, which has such an important part in our energy mix, there is a need to ensure that, for our future, we can raise the voice of citizens. »

  • The campaign in the archives of “Le Monde”

“Le Monde” archive dated January 18, 2002.

“There are times when the pot overflows”, declared Jean-Marie Le Pen to the journalist of the World Christiane Chombeau, January 18, 2002. Twenty years ago, to the day, the father of Marine Le Pen, then a candidate for the presidential election, reacted to remarks attributed to him in the chapter of a book written by a journalist, Eric Zemmour: in The Man Who Didn’t Love Himself (Balland, 2002), the latter affirmed that Jacques Chirac had requested, in 1988, the help of the National Front to try to win the presidential election.

Read the archive, in 2002: Article reserved for our subscribers Mr. Chirac would have asked Mr. Le Pen for his “help” for the 1988 presidential election

During the two talks of negotiations between the two men, hitherto remained secret, “Chirac was very nervous, says Mr. Le Pen in the book. His foot was beating. He was smoking cigarette after cigarette. He was embarrassed. And me, his embarrassment bothered me. He told me : “I can’t make any concessions to you. I replied that, under these conditions, nothing could be done. He asked me : ” Help me, but above all don’t come out in favor of me. I don’t know if he really wanted to be elected. »

The right finally bowed, beaten by François Mitterrand, and the far right saw its representativeness in the National Assembly collapse, following the return of majority voting in the legislative elections. Thirteen years later, the manuscript of Eric Zemmour, candidate for the presidential election in 2022, was refused by Plon, before being published by Balland. The first editor “would have invoked ‘moral reasons'”, write then The world.

  • On the program Wednesday, January 19

European Union. Emmanuel Macron gives a speech to European parliamentarians at 11 a.m. to welcome the opening of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union. Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate and MEP, will answer him from the hemicycle, in Strasbourg. Eric Zemmour is traveling to Calais (Pas-de-Calais) to discuss European migration policy; Jean-Luc Mélenchon will be meeting in Strasbourg in the evening.

Wishes to the armies. After speaking about security, higher education and industry, Emmanuel Macron should present his long-term political vision on the occasion of the last wishes to the armies of his mandate. The President of the Republic goes to the Oberhoffen camp, in Haguenau (Bas-Rhin), for a speech which he will deliver at 7 p.m., after a review of the troops. These will be the first wishes in the presence of Thierry Burkhard, third chief of the defense staff since 2017, appointed in July 2021.

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