Bladder Health 101: Preventing Diseases and Promoting Wellness

2023-10-13 01:08:04

[권순일의 헬스리서치]

Entered 2023.10.13 10:05 Views 770 Entered 2023.10.13 10:05 Modified 2023.10.13 09:32 Views 770

Fresh water helps prevent various bladder-related diseases by removing harmful substances such as bacteria from the bladder and excreting certain chemicals. [사진=클립아트코리아]Over the past 10 years, the number of bladder cancer patients has been steadily increasing. According to the ‘National Cancer Registration Statistics’ published last year, the number of bladder cancer patients was 3,545 in 2010, but the number was 4,895 in 2019, an increase of approximately 38% over the past 10 years.

The bladder is a hollow sac-like muscular organ that is responsible for storing and expelling urine. The main function of the bladder is to store and expel urine. The bladder can hold regarding 4 cups of urine. When it is full, nerve endings send signals to the brain.

When you are ready to expel, the bladder wall tightens, valve-like muscles open, and urine is expelled. If the bladder deteriorates, various diseases such as neurogenic bladder, bladder fistula, bladder rupture, bladder diverticulum, cystitis, bladder stones, and bladder cancer can occur. In this regard, we looked at common problems related to the bladder and ways to help prevent them.


urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is leaking urine when you don’t want to. It may come out when you cough or laugh, or it may cause you to have a sudden and strong urge to run to the bathroom. Constipation, pregnancy, and childbirth can also cause urinary incontinence.

This may be due to an infection or a health problem such as an enlarged prostate. Depending on the cause, it may disappear on its own. If it doesn’t go away, your doctor may suggest changes in diet, certain exercises, medications, special devices, or surgery.

overactive bladder

The urge to urinate usually occurs gradually as the bladder fills. In this condition, the muscles in the bladder begin to tense before becoming tight, causing the sudden need to urinate.

The feeling may be so strong that it causes you to urinate when you don’t want to. This may cause you to wake up more than once during the night and may require you to go eight or more times a day. Your doctor may recommend treatments like those used for urinary incontinence.

urinary tract infection

The urinary tract, which is the path for excreting urine out of the body, includes the bladder, kidneys, the tubes that connect them, and the tubes that lead urine out of the body. Bacteria can enter through the urethra and infect the urinary tract. This can cause the bladder to become inflamed and swollen, causing pain when urinating. Unless you have other health problems, antibiotics usually clear up a urinary tract infection within a few days.


Cystitis refers to inflammation of the bladder or other parts of the urinary tract. It is usually caused by a urinary tract infection, but can also be caused by other diseases or certain medications. In women, topical creams, sprays, or other products can also cause cystitis. Antibiotics can treat cystitis caused by infection.

bladder cancer

It begins when certain cells in the bladder grow out of control and form a tumor. Your doctor may suggest surgery to remove as much cancer as possible, or chemotherapy or radiation treatment to kill any harmful cells that may remain.


Drink plenty of fresh water

Water consumed through drinks helps prevent bladder cancer by removing harmful substances such as bacteria and excreting certain chemicals. And if you don’t drink enough water, there may not be enough water in your urine, which can irritate your bladder.

But not all drinks are good. Caffeine and alcohol can irritate the bladder. The best choice is still water. How much you should drink per day depends on your condition, so it is best to consult with your doctor.

not holding in urine

Don’t delay when you need to urinate. If you feel the urge, you should go to the bathroom immediately. Holding in too long can weaken your bladder muscles. Then slowly remove all urine from the bladder. This is because if you do not empty it completely, there is a greater chance of infection.

pelvic floor strengthening exercises

Among Kegel exercises, there is a method that is particularly good for bladder health. This is a method that focuses on strengthening the ‘pelvic floor’ area. The pelvic floor is a region that normally supports and protects the urinary system (bladder, urethra), reproductive organs (uterus, vagina), and intestines (small intestine, large intestine) located within the pelvis (bones that form the lower part of the torso). This area is made up of muscles that help control the bladder.

A representative pelvic floor strengthening exercise is the bridge Kegel exercise. To do this exercise, lie down comfortably, lift your buttocks, squeeze your anus, and hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Set this as 1 set and perform approximately 10 sets. Other pelvic floor strengthening exercises are also detailed on the Internet.

weight control

If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop bladder problems. Having too much body fat can put strain on your pelvic floor and cause you to urinate when you don’t want to. It can also put pressure on your pelvic nerves, making you feel like you have to go faster than you actually do. Losing weight can relieve pressure on your pelvic floor and pelvic nerves.

vigorous physical activity

Staying physically active, including exercising, can reduce your chances of developing conditions like diabetes, which can cause bladder problems. It also helps maintain a healthy weight and avoid constipation, which can irritate the bladder and cause problems.

Wipe well

After defecation, you should wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from getting near your genitals. Be gentle when washing, and don’t use too strong soap, which can damage sensitive skin and introduce germs. And a shower is better than a bath. This is because sitting in the bath water can allow bacteria and other irritants to enter the urinary tract.

no smoking

Smoking can cause bladder cancer. Research has shown that half of people with this disease are smokers. Additionally, cigarettes can cause coughing, put a strain on the pelvic floor, and cause urinary incontinence. Nicotine, a chemical in cigarettes, makes the bladder muscles tense and causes you to urinate more often.

healthy diet

A balanced diet comprised of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can help prevent weight gain, which can lead to urinary incontinence or overactive bladder. It is also important to consume enough fiber to avoid constipation.

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