Blackouts in Cuba. Today the “Guiteras” returns to the SEN, according to Unión Eléctrica

Authorities from the Cuban Electric Union (UNE) stated in their usual note on the situation of the national electrical system that this Sunday, during the afternoon-evening, the “Antonio Guiteras” thermoelectric plant in Matanzas must be connected to the SEN.

According to the official note, this Saturday, the electric service was affected by a deficit of generation capacity that began at 06:54 in the morning.

The interruption lasted throughout the day, reaching its maximum impact at 8:30 p.m. with 951 MW out of service, coinciding with peak hours. However, the service was restored at 2:01 a.m. this morning.

At 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, the availability of the National Electric System (SEN) was reported at 2,340 MW, while the demand is 2,100 MW, which allows the entire system to be in operation without any impact.

It is estimated that there will be no interruptions during the half-day schedule due to generation deficit.

Blackouts in Cuba. Guiteras situation TODAY

However, several important generating units remain out of service due to breakdowns, including unit 1 of the CTE Santa Cruz, unit 2 of the CTE Guiteras, unit 2 of the CTE Felton and units 5 and 3 of the CTE Rente. These breakdowns, together with limitations in thermal generation totalling 469 MW, aggravate the situation.

In addition, 41 distributed generation plants are out of service due to lack of fuel, affecting a total of 204 additional MW.

For tonight’s rush hour, The CTE Guiteras unit is expected to come into operation with 240 MW, as well as the reactivation of distributed generation engines that have exceeded their maintenance hours, with an additional capacity of 60 MW.

Even so, with these reinforcements, a total availability of 2,580 MW is estimated against a projected maximum demand of 2,950 MW, which would leave a deficit of 370 MW. If these conditions continue, a new service disruption of approximately 440 MW is forecast during nighttime hours.

#Blackouts #Cuba #Today #Guiteras #returns #SEN #Unión #Eléctrica



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