Black market for breast milk in Mexico: dangerous buying and selling

The illegal market for products includes not only gasoline, weapons or clothing, there is also a Black market for breast milk in Mexico and the dangerous trading of this food has skyrocketed, since it has become a coveted product Not exactly for babies to eat, but sportsmen who think they will gain muscle alreadyadults inclined to lactophiliaamong others.

But not only athletes because of the myth that it helps build muscle mass as if it were a substitute for protein powder; there are also fetishists who enjoy and find it pleasurable to drink it; in addition, with the buying and selling of breast milk on the black market in Mexico there are also those who make cosmetics of dubious benefits from it.

And although his Demand is on the rise, There is no regulation to avoid its uncontrolled commercialization, which involves health risks because it could transmit serious diseases.

“Human breast milk purchased online exposes consumers to a range of risks. Infectious diseases, hepatitis B and C, HIV and Syphilis“, warns the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

Black market for breast milk in Mexico: this is how it is bought and sold, priced and where it is offered

The black market for breast milk in Mexico is mainly through social media platforms such as Facebook Marketplace, which is a great option since there is no official health regulation to prevent its commercialization.

There the price ranges between 50 and 100 pesos for each ounce (29 milliliters) of milk depending on whether it is freshly extracted or frozen milk, so that the consumer can heat it in a bain-marie before consuming it so that it does not lose its properties.

Although the exchange and donation of milk began as a practice for mothers to alleviate expenses in their homes, little by little, These communities began to fill with men that offered better prices to obtain this liquid.

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And a group of people has also emerged consumers who buy it exclusively for sexual pleasure that causes them, and this taste is called lactophilia.

What is lactophilia?

Lactophilia is a paraphilia that consists of the pleasure of consuming it to obtain sexual arousal and its followers are called lactophiles or “white vampires”, whose greatest pleasure is ingesting it directly from a lactating woman.

In this regard, Ana Charfén, a lactation consultant, indicates that “erotic breastfeeding is a type of prostitutionmany men seek this milk to satisfy themselves sexually, not because they have a baby or anything like that.”

The reason? They enjoy and are sexually satisfied by consuming breast milk, especially if it is directly from the “container,” that is, when the woman breastfeeds them.

Ana Charfén has received messages from white vampires who want to talk about their sexual interests, so she blocks them or ignores the messages.

On the other hand, he has seen how Some women do sell their milk for sexual satisfaction. of buyers.

Thus, the black market for breast milk in Mexico exploded with buying and selling on the Marketplace platform and Facebook groups.

Now there are plenty of posts from men asking “how much does the bottle cost” or “how much if it is straight from the container.”

They offer sums of money to have video calls, photographs or videos of mothers breastfeeding their babies. This is known as lactophilia or erotic breastfeeding.

Why does lactophilia exist?

Hugo Sánchez, professor at the Faculty of Psychology at UNAM, said that some pleasures come from childhood and from experiences with the environment.

The limbic system is activated when experiencing a feeling of well-being or pleasure.

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Testimony of a “white vampire”: this is what an adult pays to be breastfed

The Universal interviewed a buyer who was particularly interested in drinking milk from a womanbecause he “loves feeling the breast and feeling the milk come out of the nipple.”

For this practice, I was willing to travel from Querétaro to Mexico Citypay for a motel and a thousand 200 pesos to be breastfed for 20 minutes.

“Yes, I like breast milk, I need a full bottle for myself, I will ask for more but it all depends on whether I like it,” says Miguel Ángel via a message.

—For you or for your baby?

—It’s for me, I’m honest (…). One question, right? can be taken from the containerI love breast milk, especially the packaging. How much do you charge for a video call?

—Are you really going to travel just to buy milk? Have you traveled many times?

—It’s just that here in Querétaro women are more subdued and they get discouraged and since I love breast milk I have to look for it, yes I have traveled. How old are you?

—21 years old.

—Are you really 21? You really are very young and I like you like that (…). I will be your big baby so you can breastfeed me.

The so-called “white vampires,” like Miguel Ángel, are part of the black market for breast milk in Mexico. To buy and sell it, they usually send messages to mothers offering bags of milk for women who cannot breastfeed for various reasons.

Most of them practice bartering, giving ounces of milk in exchange for clothes, diapers, toys or powdered milk.

Testimony of a breast milk seller in Mexico

Mary, a woman who has been with exclusive breastfeeding and sells each ounce of milk for 50 pesosthrough Marketplace.

The purchasing process is simple: an advance payment is transferred so that the milk is not wasted and the quantity is delivered to a central location in Mexico City.

The saleswoman explained that Fresh milk can be at room temperature between 6 to 8 hours and up to 24 hours stored in the refrigerator, after that time it should be frozen to store it for up to 6 months.

I am super hygienic With the whole process, I still have my milk bank, so I sterilize my pump and use the bags to store it.

I have clients who buy from me for their babies both for the premature “Like mothers who don’t have milk,” she says.

He has been selling for a few months, he assures that can extract 10 ounces of fresh milkbut if your customers need more, you can store them and deliver them on a daily or periodic basis.

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Your milk bank is constantly rotating as it has many buyers, so it does not accumulate or store for more than a week.

Buyers want to buy breast milk directly from the source

About the white vampiresconfesses that Yes, it has been sold to adultsbut he doesn’t like to question his clients, since many of them also consume it to attend the gyms and gain muscle mass, a myth that two specialists later debunk.

“They use it for various personal things, the truth is I never ask them what they want it for. Because I feel sorry for them, or I wouldn’t like to question them, I respect their discretion, but I have investigated that it is used by adults with illnesses or who go to the gym and so on,” explains Mary.

Regarding the paraphilia she has detected in clients, she assured that she would never sell direct shots, because the safety conditions of her baby worry her and she would not sell sexual content either.

“I know they are for their personal use, because they tell me alone, too I have had clients who want direct shootingBut the truth is that I do not provide that service for the safety of myself and my baby, and for hygiene reasons I would never accept it.

I don’t provide that content, now I just sell it; and I also sell new stuff to help me with my expenses,” he says.

The risk of transmission of diseases from breast milk

And although breast milk is the most complete food for a baby, as it contains proteins, vitamins, minerals, among others, its sale on the black market in Mexico is not a safe means; unlike authorized milk banks, warns the doctor and lactation consultant, Miranda Acosta Prieto.

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Diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C can be transmitted through human milk, So if the woman does not have laboratory tests done in the last six months as requested by an institutional human milk bank, of course she can transmit diseases, especially HIV is transmitted vertically”, he explains.

Myths about breast milk

“The people who believe this myth They think that human milk is better for them and that by drinking it They have better performance and energy; since human milk not only contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, it also It has many prebiotics and probioticsthat is what improves the intestinal absorption of many nutrients,” he says.

On the sale and donation of the so-called liquid goldsaid that when there is no medical control during donation, there is a risk of disease transmission.

The specialist emphasized that human beings are genetically programmed to be weaned.

“In anthropological studies it has been found that Humans are made to be weaned between 5 and 7 years of age.; In our Western social practice, many infants are weaned at a much earlier age, such as three or six months,” explains Acosta Prieto.

How to know if black market breast milk in Mexico is real?

Besides, There is no way to know that the milk offered online is authentic.because it is a very dynamic food that changes according to the stage the baby is in.

The color and consistency change: it can be yellow, white, blue-gray, thick, creamy or more liquid.

As a breast milk consultant, the specialist has advised and accompanied women who are stalked by men who want to buy their breast milk, so they block their profiles and identify them to alert other women who do not want to sell.

The sale of breast milk is old

The truth is that The sale of breast milk is not newgoes back decades, in fact in the dictionary there is the term “nurse“for women who breastfeed other people’s babies and that custom was because the real mother’s body did not produce milk or also to “take care of” her body.

In this regard, Ana Charfénan internationally certified lactation consultant confirms that before infant formula existed, it was not uncommon for breast milk to be shared.

If a woman could not or did not want to breastfeed and had enough economic capacity, could pay another woman to breastfeed her baby. It was something super common and in fact there were places in Mexico City and other places in the country where it was common to find wet nurses,” she says.

It is dangerous for health not to regulate the sale of breast milk in Mexico

He added that as There is no regulation on the origin of milk which is sold informally.

In Mexico, she says, there are breast milk banks where mothers who have just given birth can donate milk that is used for babies who were born prematurely or who have illnesses.

“Obviously you don’t pay for that milk in Mexico, it is used depending on the needs of the babies, but there are filters, that is, Not every woman can be a donor because some Diseases are passed on through milk.

“If a woman wants to donate, she has to go through these tests for the safety of the baby,” she explains.

The donor must not smoke.use nicotine substitutes such as patches, should not consume alcohol, drugs, should not have received a blood transfusion or used certain medications or had certain medical treatments and should not be exposed to various types of viruses such as Ebola, Zika or tuberculosis.

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#Black #market #breast #milk #Mexico #dangerous #buying #selling
2024-08-29 20:22:13



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