Black holes may be hiding an amazing secret from our universe

“We should be able to influence the interior of one of these black holes by ‘tickle’ its radiation, thus sending a message inside the black hole,” he said. In a 2017 interview with Quanta. “It sounds crazy,” he added.

Ahmed Al Muhairi, a physicist at New York University Abu Dhabi, recently noted that by manipulating the radiation that leaked from the black hole, he could form a catfish inside this black hole. “I can do something with the particles emitted from the black hole, and suddenly a cat will appear in the black hole,” he said.

“We all have to get used to it,” he added.

The metaphysical turmoil reached its peak in 2019. That year, two groups of theorists made detailed calculations showing that information leaking through wormholes would match the pattern predicted by Dr. Page. One article by Jeff Bennington, now at the University of California, Berkeley. The other is by Nita Engelhart of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Don Marolph from the University of California, Santa Cruz; Henry Maxfield, currently at Stanford University; and Dr. Al Muhairi. Both groups published their articles on the same day.

“So the final moral of the story is if your theory of gravity involves wormholes, you get the information,” Dr. Bennington said. “If that doesn’t include wormholes, you probably aren’t getting any information.”

He added, “Hawking did not include wormholes, and we do include wormholes.”

Not everyone subscribed to this theory. Testing it is challenging, because particle accelerators likely won’t be powerful enough to produce black holes in the lab for study, although several experimental groups hope to simulate black holes and wormholes in quantum computers.

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And even if this physics turns out to be correct, Dr. Mermin’s magic has significant limitations: neither wormholes nor entanglement can transmit a message, let alone a human, faster than the speed of light. Lots of time travel. The strangeness only becomes apparent after the fact, when two scientists compare their observations and find that they are identical – a process involving classical physics, which adheres to the speed limit set by Einstein.

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