BJP man who tore Portugal flag beaten by fans, in hospital; what is the truth FACT CHECK | FACT CHECK: Panur BJP man beaten by Portugal fans

The incident where a BJP-RSS worker tore the Portuguese flag in Kannur Panur thinking it was SDPI’s flag went viral. Last day, an RSS man named Deepak destroyed the Portuguese flag that fans had tied in the area to express their support for the paratroopers. After that, he was widely reported to have been brutally beaten by Portugal fans. The information has been circulating from social media group to group, along with a photo of him in hospital, bleeding from beatings and stitches on his head.

The flag was torn down at Panur Vaidyar pedestal on Tuesday at 7.30 pm. The flag tied by Portugal fans was pulled down and destroyed at around 7pm for no particular reason. Some people who witnessed the incident captured it on camera and spread it. Portugal fans who saw this came and questioned him. But he asked why you are angry for tearing the flag of SDPI. The fans were also shocked to hear this. A video of a young man tearing the flag of Portugal has gone viral on social media. The police say that Deepak Elangode, who tore the flag, is a BJP worker. His offense was drunk. After tearing it, he realized it was a Portuguese flag. Then there was a small altercation between the Portugal fans and him. Panur police also informed that a case has been registered against him for causing public nuisance.

The message spread about bullying:

‘RSS worker beaten up by Portugal fans in Panur. Pramod, a native of Panur Vaidyar Peedika, was beaten up. Pramod has been admitted to Thalassery Indira Gandhi Hospital with injuries’ is circulating on various Facebook pages, WhatsApp, Twitter and Telegram accounts.

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Description of Thalassery Indira Gandhi Hospital:

The messages said that the beaten up BJP worker was admitted to Indira Gandhi Cooperative Hospital, Manjodi, Thalassery. However, the hospital authorities informed that no one has been admitted to the hospital today with beating injuries from the Panur side.

Pannur Police say:

The Pannoor police station was contacted to find out whether the information that the RSS worker who tore the flag was beaten up by Portugal fans was true. They informed that the police have not received any information about the beating except that a case has been registered for tearing the flag. The police said that the news circulating about the beating is false. The police also informed that the picture of someone else is being circulated.

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