Bitcoin price hike in world market


Dina Mustafa

The price of the digital currency Bitcoin rose today, Wednesday, September 14, affecting other digital currencies, led by the world’s most famous digital currency, Bitcoin.

The price of Bitcoin (the most popular cryptocurrency in the world) rose 0.56% to $20,260.40

Cryptocurrencies, most notably Bitcoin, were also strongly supported by the American billionaire and CEO of the American electric car maker Tesla, Elon Musk.

Musk reiterated, “Tesla is still open to dealing with bitcoin despite environmental concerns about high energy consumption,” noting that Tesla will likely accept bitcoin in the future as a payment method.

“Bitcoin” had been subjected to a downtrend for several weeks, to decline from its high recorded in mid-April at $65,000, but it spent a week in which it made up for some of its losses supported by supportive comments from Elon Musk and Kathy Wood, which pulled it out of the downside, in addition to “Amazon” ads. About the functions of crypto-assets and the movement of speculation on them.

Market watchers had pointed to the $40,000 as an important turning point in the march of the largest cryptocurrency.

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