Bitcoin Anniversary: Celebrating 15 Years of Innovation, BitcoinBázis Launches Webshop and Prize Draw!

2023-10-30 17:13:14

October 31 is an important day for three reasons: Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper 15 years ago; The book Bitcoin: Sovereignty and Independence in Hungarian by the Swedish author Knut Svanholm is officially available from tomorrow, translated and curated by BitcoinBázis; and in the new episode of Bitcoin Kebab, Kata Stier talks to the author. October 31 is one of the most important days in the bitcoin community. How why? Exactly 15 years ago, on October 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper. Bitcoin became a pioneering digital currency that took advantage of cryptography. Today, however, it has evolved into a deflationary digital investment tool that resides in the portfolios of the largest institutional investors, on the balance sheets of large corporations, and in the private wallets of millions of individuals. Bitcoin has brought about a new era in the financial world, which may still have many pleasant surprises in store for us. By leveraging a decentralized infrastructure and cryptographic processes, and by not having to trust an external third party, Bitcoin has solved the double-spending problem for electronic payments, introducing settlement finality and a level of integrity that leverages logic, probability and the benefits provided by the code. By 2023, Bitcoin has infiltrated everything from e-commerce to non-profit organizations. Satoshi Nakamoto created an amazing consensus mechanism that uses processor clocks and electricity to generate new blocks into which each transaction record is recorded. If we combine this process with a sufficiently complex incentive model that rewards Bitcoin miners for each mined block until 2140 and offers miners an ongoing incentive to operate the network securely, we get an immutable and reliable chain that will stand the test of time. . Over the years, Bitcoin has survived a lot. It has survived community battles, fractures, hard forks, regulatory pressures, bans and disinformation campaigns. It has been buried at least 100 times, but rather a thousand times, but no matter what has happened or is happening now, Bitcoin will survive everything. It is appearing in more and more places, more and more people are using it, and it is getting more and more attention from the mainstream media, which is a clear sign of the growth of global acceptance, which didn’t take that long, only 15 years. On this special occasion, BitcoinBázis launched its own webshop, where, for the first time in Hungary, BTC PRICE can be paid only and exclusively in bitcoins. And the first product of the shop is none other than the book Bitcoin: Sovereignty and Independence by Knut Svanholm, translated and edited by BitcoinBázis, which can be ordered at home or downloaded in e-book formats. The book is a revised version of the author’s two previous volumes, which helps us understand the concept of absolute scarce money. Through her clear and elegant writing, Svanholm invites the reader on a philosophical journey to gain insight into the abstract language of digital money created by bitcoin, while not neglecting current events in the world. The book is provocative and thought-provoking, as it forces us to face today’s problems and ugly reality. Knut Svanholm is one of the most committed supporters of bitcoin, he used to be a rock musician, he was involved in shipping, until he was sucked into the rabbit hole by the world of bitcoin. His book Bitcoin: Sovereignty Through Mathematics, published in 2019, is one of the most recognized and popular works on bitcoin in the world. He often collaborates with other popular bitcoin maxes and is the author of several educational YouTube videos on the subject. He is from Sweden but lives in Madeira, where he is on the governing board of FREE Madeira – an attempt to turn the Portuguese island into a bitcoin stronghold. On the occasion of the anniversary of the Bitcoin white book and the publication of the book in Hungary, Kata Stier talks to the author at Bitcoin Kebab. Podcast followers can hear and see an extremely interesting broadcast, in which Kata and her guest tell the story of how they met last year at the Honey Badger conference in Riga. Knut shares with us how he became a bitcoiner from a sailor, covers several exciting topics related to the leading cryptocurrency, and also offers a lot of advice for beginner bitcoiners. Prize draw from BitcoinBázis On the occasion of the publication of the new book, the opening of the webshop and the 15th anniversary of the Bitcoin white book, BitcoinBázis is announcing a prize draw, in the framework of which we will draw 2 volumes each on Facebook and Instagram. All you have to do is ⤵️ ➡️ Press a like on the post announcing the prize draw ➡️ Press a like on our podcast made with the author of the book on the BitcoinBázis YouTube channel (title: The unrepeatable Bitcoin) ➡️ Let me know in a comment when you’re done The entry is only valid if if you have completed all points, this is the only way to enter the hat, which will be checked before the draw! Draw: November 5, 2023. The lucky winners will be selected randomly using a lottery program, the results of which will be shared for the sake of transparency. Come on, win this intriguing book! ???? Instagram link to the game: Facebook:

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