Bishops in Mexico call for reflection on the consumption and sale of substances

On the eve of the International Day once morest Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which is commemorated every June 26, the Mexican Episcopal Conference issued a statement yesterday calling for prayer and reflection on this issue.

Below is the content of the message entitled “Building in community: towards a Mexico free of addictions.”

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

On the eve of the International Day once morest Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which is commemorated every June 26, the Mexican Episcopal Conference raises its voice in prayer and reflection on this reality that profoundly challenges our nation and the entire continent.

Drug trafficking has severely impacted our country, affecting the social fabric and the security of all Mexicans. We remember the words of the prophet Isaiah: “The fruit of justice will be peace, and the service of justice will be tranquility and security forever” (Is 32:17). This long-awaited peace requires the joint effort of all society to confront drug trafficking.

Mexico is in a moment of reflection and renewal. Following the recent democratic process, we are presented with a valuable opportunity to strengthen the foundations of our nation. This is a time to join forces, transcending differences, in order to strengthen our institutions and promote the common good. We recognize the challenges we face as a society, particularly those that threaten the peace and integrity of our communities.

This is why we urgently call on all sectors of our society – newly elected authorities, civil society, faith communities and citizens – to engage in constructive dialogue and work together.

Only through a coordinated effort and shared commitment can we effectively address this issue that has caused so much pain in our country, including the tragic loss of life during the recent electoral process.

We firmly believe that by working together in a spirit of openness and mutual respect, we can develop comprehensive strategies that strengthen the social fabric, promote a culture of legality, and offer viable alternatives to our youth. As a Church, we are committed to being an active part of this dialogue, contributing our vision and resources to build a more just, safe, and prosperous Mexico for all.

Drug trafficking represents a multifaceted challenge that goes beyond public safety; it tests the very foundations of our society: justice, solidarity, respect for life and human dignity. Faced with this reality, we are called to a collective and decisive response.

With concern and hope, we observe the increase in the consumption of drugs, especially among our young people. This situation invites us to reflect deeply on the value of life, our community responsibility and the true meaning of freedom and personal fulfillment.

Every life is a precious gift from God, full of potential and purpose.

St. Paul reminds us of a profound truth: our body is “the temple of the Holy Spirit, and God dwells in it” (1 Cor 6:19), a powerful reality that illuminates our inherent dignity and our capacity to house the divine.

This vision calls us to consider health in a comprehensive way, encompassing the physical, spiritual and social well-being of the person. Caring for oneself is intrinsically linked to caring for others and for our common home, as Pope Francis teaches us in his concept of integral ecology.

Drug abuse affects not only individual health, but also impacts our families and communities, with repercussions on our social and environmental surroundings. Instead of the freedom it promises, it often becomes an obstacle to the growth and personal fulfillment of our young people.

As a society, we are called to be a community of support and hope, where each person can discover their unique value and reach their full potential.

This challenge drives us to strengthen our bonds of solidarity and mutual care, accompanying our young people in the discovery of authentic paths towards fullness and meaning in life.

We invite all sectors of our society, especially those who have been elected to guide the destiny of our nation, to engage in constructive dialogue and coordinated action. The fight once morest drug trafficking requires a comprehensive approach that strengthens our institutions, fosters a culture of legality and creates development opportunities for all Mexicans, especially our youth.

The Mexico we aspire to be is built on the foundations of justice, solidarity and the rule of law. Let us work together to build a nation where every Mexican can live with dignity and hope, free from the influence of drug trafficking and addiction.

We join in a spirit of communion and synodality with our brother bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Together, as one Church that walks and listens, we echo the words of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM):

“Let us not naturalize the situation, let us not allow our hearts to be filled with fear or let our ability to recognize that the present and future of society is at stake be dulled.”

In this fraternal closeness, we enthusiastically join the initiative of the Latin American Pastoral Care for the Accompaniment and Prevention of Addictions.

We thus reaffirm our shared commitment to serve life, building bridges of dialogue and collaboration, not only among ourselves as pastors, but with the whole of society, in a true spirit of synodality that calls us to walk together towards a future of hope and healing.

To our young people, we say with love: you are the present and the future of Mexico. We invite you to seek the fullness of life in the love of God and service to others, finding in this the true path to fulfillment and happiness.

May Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, shelter under her mantle all our sons and daughters, especially those who feel alone.

Let us remember his words:

“Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” May her maternal love guide us on this path of healing and integral development of the nation, reminding us that none of us are alone in this struggle. May she intercede for us before her Son Jesus Christ, giving us strength and hope to build a Mexico free from the chains of addiction.

May the blessing of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always accompany you. With closeness and paternal pastoral love, your brothers in Christ, the Bishops of Mexico.

Mexico City, June 25, 2024.

+ Msgr. Rogelio Cabrera Lopez
Archbishop of Monterrey

+ Mons. Ramon Castro Castro
Bishop of Cuernavaca
General secretary

#Bishops #Mexico #call #reflection #consumption #sale #substances
2024-07-07 20:56:17



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