Bird numbers down, radar network warns

Bird numbers down, radar network warns

An alarming news has emerged from America that three billion birds of North America have disappeared during the last 50 years. is

Kenneth Rosenberg, an animal biologist at Cornell University, has reviewed bird databases from ground stations in Canada and the United States over the past 48 years. According to him, the number of 529 species of birds commonly found in this area has decreased by 2.9 billion in the last 30 years. According to preliminary estimates, the number of small and large birds has decreased by 29% since 1970.

90 percent of the decline occurred in 12 families of birds, including sparrows and several small warblers. On the other hand, the number of waterfowl and raptors has increased due to conservation programs initiated for them. Experts believe that immediate efforts must be made to save other birds.

The team also surveyed the entire continent with a radar network called NEX-ROAD, which tracks large flocks of birds. It can also detect the number of migratory birds and in the last 10 years it has also reported an alarming decline in birds.

#Bird #numbers #radar #network #warns
2024-08-18 06:12:52



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