On the occasion of the 9th World Day for Bipolar Disorders (WDBD), the FondaMental Foundation, with the support of d’Argos 2001 (anational association of patients and relatives serving patients and relatives of people affected by bipolar disorder), takes stock of the research results resulting from the work carried out by the network of Fundamental Bipolar Expert Centers and the multidisciplinary teams with which they collaborate. A digital book is available online.
“In recent years, French research on bipolar disorders has made considerable progress, with important discoveries in terms of diagnosis, understanding of the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic strategies”, points out Professor Marion Leboyer, general manager of the Fondamental foundation. Numerous studies carried out in 2022 by the teams of the FondaMental Foundation have, for example, made it possible to better understand the role of genetic and immunological factors, to describe the impact of childhood trauma, to understand sleep disorders or the mechanisms of action lithium, but also to develop therapeutic strategies ranging from the prevention of suicidal behavior to the development of digital tools allowing cognitive remediation or psycho-education. “The number and importance of the results brought together in this 2023 digital book strongly show that progress in scientific research offers a new reading of psychiatric illnesses and opens the way to the development of treatments that bring hope to patients and their relatives “, concludes Fundamental.
The digital book is divided into two parts:
• Part 1: Identify diagnostic and prognostic markers:
– Ophelia Godin: Results of the longitudinal cohort of bipolar people (FACE-BD)
– Bruno Etain: Sleep, circadian rhythms and bipolar disorders
– Diane Grillault Laroche: Trauma in childhood
– Luana Spano: Accelerated cellular aging
– Stéphane Jamain: Genetic vulnerability factors
– Ryad Tamouza: Immunogenetic terrain, susceptibility to infections and autoimmune diseases
– Aisté Lengvenyté: Bipolar depression and inflammation
• Part 2: Therapeutic strategies:
– Charles Laidi: Centers Experts Bipolar Disorders, an innovative and specialized device that improves the prognosis
– Frank Bellivier and Cynthia Marie-Claire: Understanding the mechanisms of action of lithium
– Philippe Courtet and Emilie Olié: Preventing the risk of suicide in bipolar disorders
– Raoul Belzeaux: Adherence to treatment in people with bipolar disorder
– Paul Roux: Cognitive abnormalities and cognitive remediation in bipolar disorder
– Ludovic Samalin: Digital tools of psychoeducation
– Pauline Favre: Neuroimaging, psychoeducation and neurofeedback.
• Bipolar disorders: what advances in French research in 2023? Fundamental Foundation, 2023, in PDF.