Biotin for hair: benefits and properties

    If you are one of those who are especially concerned regarding health and growth of your hair and is up to date on vitamins and hair potions, surely there are not a few times that you have come across the word “biotin”. I perfectly remember the first time I heard regarding her. She was at the hairdresser and a group of women were giving desperate advice to each other to try to improve their locks. And constantly, the magic word resounded: “biotin, biotin, biotin. So I did some research and ended up having some biotin capsules on my bathroom counter too.

    But we will not be the ones who start demystifying the fashionable ingredient for hair, but the experts. Since Hush&Hush They have helped us to solve all the doubts regarding the famous biotin. Although we already answered you the first time: IT WORKS.

    What is biotin?

    The reality is that biotin is vitamin B7 and as a member of group B, it helps to better metabolize nutrients in the body, including fats and proteins, to produce energy.

    The myth that it solves all hair problems (as that group of ladies said), is partly true. It is not a miracle, but it does have many benefits for the hair. Although it is not the entire puzzle for a hair, it is a very important piece.

    According to studies, biotin supplements may help support the Hair growth if there is a lack of vitamins with a small amount of vitamin B7. Although it must be taken into account that it may not always be the cause and the deficit is found in another group of nutrients and minerals.

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    Where is biotin found?

    Although capsules are the quick and easy solution, you can find biotin naturally in many foods, such as eggs, almonds, avocado, shellfish, potatoes, spinach or broccoli. By the way, biotin is also produced naturally by the “good” bacteria in your gut microbiome.

    What exactly does biotin do in the hair?

    Well, according to experts, Biotin is one of the fundamental nutrients that favor the production of keratin. In other words, it helps hair and nails stay healthy, prevents imbalances that cause dullness and brittleness. Research has shown its benefits in terms of growth stimulation, but also density and enhancement of shine and softness.

    Raimonda Kulikauskiene

    But right now, what regarding that myth that says that if you take a biotin supplement you notice the results instantly?

    Evidently, it’s false. Biotin is not magic, but it is a great ally. According to experts, from the beginning of a treatment with oral supplementation with biotin among its ingredients, it can take even a few months to start seeing big changes. And it should be remembered that not everything is equally effective for everyone and that hair growth is influenced by more factors: from diet to stress or hormones.

    Other nutrients (in addition to biotin), which benefit hair growth

    It is undeniable that biotin is one of the most famous, but we must not forget that other ingredients such as green tea, ashwagandha, or pumpkin seed oil they are equally packed with these minerals and vitamins that hair needs. They not only improve growth, but also the thickness and strength of the hair fiber.

    The perfect combo: biotin + collagen

    Studies have shown that this pairing is ideal for hair and nails. Maria Mercedes Sanchez, responsible for the Department of Scientific Information of the laboratories MARNYSstates that “The combination of biotin and collagen works by maintaining a firm hair structure by thickening the hair fibers.”

    This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

    And adds: “Biotin and collagen are widely used in nutricosmetics. Biotin contributes to the normal maintenance of hair and skin, and collagen is a natural protein similar to keratin that is part of the structure of hair and nails, providing firmness. “

    That said, now it only remains for you to choose your ideal supplement. Here, a selection of the best rated on Amazon.




    20,90 €


    GloryFeel Biotina + Zinc + Selenio

    Glory feel

    15,97 €




    11,65 €



    Aldous Labs

    18,64 €


    Biotin, Zinc and Selenium

    N2 Natural Nutrition

    18,95 €

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