Bio Farma Holds Extreme Poverty Eradication Support Program in Tasikmalaya

Bio Farma holds Village Health and Welfare Program in Tasikmalaya (DOC/BIO FARMA)

BUMN Pharmaceutical Holdings Bio Farma Group collaborates with the Ministry
BUMN held a Bio Farma program for Village Health and Welfare, in Tamanjaya Village, Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya City, West Java.

The program was held as a form of implementation of the Ministry of SOEs’ initiative to support the Eradication of Extreme Poverty (PKE) and the Reduction of
Stunting. The activity was held on August 14-15.

In this activity, Bio Farma Group provided assistance in the form of distributing
1,200 basic food packages to residents, holding free medical treatment for 500 people, and renovating educational facilities. In addition, there is also the provision of medical equipment for integrated health posts, the construction of integrated health posts, the construction of clean water facilities, the installation of public street lighting through renewable energy solar panels, and the provision of additional food for toddlers.

Head of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Department of Bio Farma, Sarmedi, expressed his pleasure at being present in the midst of
Tamanjaya community.

He hopes that this can continue in a sustainable manner.
in order to make a positive contribution to society. This program
is a form of Bio Farma Group’s concern in carrying out
Program TJSL.

“Hopefully this activity will continue and be a blessing for the community.
especially in Tamanjaya Subdistrict. Let us pray together for
mutual success, both the progress of society and the company,” he said.

Dadang Hilman, Head of Tamanjaya Village, expressed his gratitude to Bio Farma Group for implementing the Prosperous Village program in Tamanjaya Village. “I hope this assistance can be useful for the community in need,”

The Extreme Poverty Eradication (PKE) activity is an initiative that
carried out by the Ministry of SOEs in following up on Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of the Eradication of Extreme Poverty. The policy strategy initiated is to reduce the burden of community expenditure, increase community income, and reduce the number of pockets of poverty.

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