BIM technology in civil construction grows, but Brazil is still shy about adoption

The civil construction market is one of the most promising in terms of technology. With increasingly demanding projects, it is necessary that the planning be carried out in the most complete and agile way possible. Involving several teams with different expertise throughout the evolution of the work, the adoption of a tool aimed at collaboration and management of all stages is essential.

In the past, plans and drawings were used to express information regarding a particular building plan. However, this 2D approach did not allow the visualization of all the dimensions and requirements that facilitate the development of projects. With the evolution of technology came CAD (Computer Aided Design), which helped designers to see blueprints in a digital environment. Later, CAD turned to 3D, which brought more realistic looks to designs.

Now, BIM is becoming the standard for its completeness, going far beyond just a 3D model. BIM is an acronym for Building Information Modeling and is a highly collaborative process that allows architects, engineers, contractors, real estate developers, fabricators and other construction professionals to plan, design and build a structure or building with reference to a 3D model.

“The civil construction sector involves a chain of professionals, from the beginning of the project to full delivery. For the efficiency of work, technology has become a great ally and the evolution of processes takes place in an increasingly integrated way”, emphasizes Henrique Bragança, Country Manager at PlanRadar in Brazil.

BIM technology improves construction processes

Civil construction moves the Brazilian economy in different ways, therefore, intelligent management of processes makes activities safer, more collaborative and lower costs. In the early stages of a BIM project, a collaborative team is assembled, approving process and information structures to ensure that the activities developed are coordinated and maximum benefit is obtained for those involved in the construction and operation stages.

As the project enters the construction phase, the information collected can be used to plan and build more efficiently. Where revisions to the design are required, any changes can follow the agreed process in a transparent and recorded manner.

“In order to improve construction processes, the adoption of BIM is extremely important, since with more and more project requirements and increasingly tight deadlines, efficient management involves this platform”, adds Henrique Bragança.

BIM in the Brazilian market

The use of BIM technology is booming around the world and in Brazil the technology is already being implemented by some companies. Institutions such as BIM Forum Brazil and the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development – ​​ABDI, are already working to strengthen technology in the country.

The BIM Maturity Mapping, carried out by the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI) together with Grant Thornton and Sienge in 2020, pointed out that 38.4% of the companies participating in the mapping already used the platform

“Brazilian companies are already following global trends and noticing how BIM will bring results to projects. Adoption, however, remains timid and we noticed resistance to implementation, either due to costs or lack of training. However, civil construction analysts already point out that the growth in the use of BIM is a matter of time and we will increasingly see the technology being disseminated, such as the platform we offer, which is used in other countries as a facilitator for civil construction processes. ”, comments Henrique Bragança, Country Manager at PlanRadar in Brazil. “Brazil continues to be a market with great potential and the migration to more technological environments will strengthen a sector that promises expansion in the coming months”.

About PlanRadar

PlanRadar is an award-winning SaaS digital field management platform for documentation, task management and communication in construction and real estate projects. The platform operates worldwide, currently in over 65 markets. The solution digitizes all daily processes and communications in the real estate and construction industry, it also connects all project stakeholders and provides real-time access to valuable project data, enabling teams to increase quality, cut costs and get work done. more quickly. Currently, more than 120,000 professionals are using PlanRadar to track, connect and resolve issues on and off the construction site, available in 20 languages ​​and can be used on all iOS, Windows and Android devices. Headquartered in Vienna, Austria, PlanRadar has 18 offices worldwide.




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