Bill Gates anticipated what will be the next technological advance that will change the world forever

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has lately been known for his predictions: in 2015 he predicted the arrival of the coronavirus by stating that the next global catastrophe would be caused by “an epidemic.”

Now, the American businessman anticipated what will be the next technological advance that will change the world forever: autonomous vehicles.

“We are in the early days of the autonomous era. I am impatient to see the new possibilities”, he stated.

A few days ago, Bill Gates, reflecting on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the businessman predicted that “a turning point” would soon be reached in the development of autonomous vehicles.

“Autonomous cars will allow the driver to take their hands off the wheel and let the system drive in certain circumstances,” he said.

“They are getting to the point where almost all the required technology has been invented. Now, the focus is on refining the algorithms and perfecting the engineering,” he explained.

He also assured that this situation will radically change humanity, “as the PC changed work in the office”, and that it will imply a “rethinking” of driving systems.

According to the businessman, passenger vehicles will be the last to adopt autonomous driving. “Long-distance transportation will probably be the first sector, followed by delivery,” he clarified.

“Car rental companies lose a lot of money every year from accidents caused by drivers. In this way, they are eager to switch to autonomous fleets that are less accident-prone,” he underlined.

“AVs will end up being cheaper than normal vehicles. And if, like me, you travel by car, think about the time you lose driving ”, she concluded.

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