Bilawal Bhutto Urges Veteran Politicians to Step Aside for New Leadership

Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari demanded the old politicians to give up politics.

Speaking at the Workers’ Convention in Chitral, PP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto said that the objection to the elders is that they are doing old politics which destroyed the country, today I am demanding that old politicians leave politics.

He said, “This is not my demand, it is the demand of the youth of the country. The youth constitute 70% of the population of Pakistan. I respect the elders. This is what I have been taught. We are not like the PTI who start abusing.” .

Bilawal said that I tell the elders to leave politics or sit at home or sit in madrassa. It seems that the politics our politicians are doing will only add to the suffering.

The PP Chairman said that Pakistan is a country where there is a lot of potential, and politicians are harmed by revenge politics, but the burden has to be borne by the people, they have no intention of working, it is down to personal enmity. They have come and are doing revenge politics.

Bilawal said that when Mian Sahib became the Prime Minister for the third time, he said that he would leave the old politics, but when he got the chance of government, he came down to the same old politics. When Nawaz Sharif was made the Chief Minister of Punjab, how old was he? How old was Maulana Fazlur Rahman when he entered politics? But Shaheed Ms. Benazir was the first young Prime Minister.

He said that Chairman PTI’s government became the government of Tik-Tokar, Mian Sahib’s government became the government of elites, I want to establish a people’s government in this country, all the decisions of old politicians are based on today’s thinking. Not thinking of tomorrow, old politicians are claiming to abolish 18th Amendment from today, they want to take away resources from Chitral and give them to Islamabad.

The PP Chairman, while making election promises, said that the wheat subsidy was a gift of the people, which he will restore and maintain forever. I will show you how we are proud of how we arranged the development, there are many problems in Afghanistan, but I will show you how Chitral is connected to Central Asia, we will build a power plant on the river of Chitral and give it as a gift.

Bilawal Bhutto further said that I will ask Asifa Bhutto to come and serve the people of Chitral from Nani’s seat. Need higher.

#Bilawal #Bhuttos #request #politicians #leave #politics
2024-09-06 15:34:49
Title: Bilawal​ Bhutto Zardari Demands ​Old Politicians to Step Down, ‌Make Way for Youth

Meta Description: Pakistan People’s ⁣Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari calls‌ for old politicians to leave politics, citing their outdated approach as a hindrance to progress. Read more about his demands and vision for a youth-led Pakistan.

Header Tags:

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s Call to Action

The Need for Change in Pakistani Politics

The Role of Youth in Shaping Pakistan’s Future

‍ Old⁤ Politics: A Barrier to Progress

A People-Centric Government: Bilawal’s Vision


Pakistan People’s Party Chairman​ Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has‌ sparked a heated debate⁣ in the country’s political landscape by demanding that‍ old politicians step​ down and make way for the youth. Addressing a Workers’ Convention in Chitral, Bilawal emphasized that the country’s​ progress is being hindered by outdated political ideologies and approaches.

“It’s not my demand, it’s the demand of the youth of this country.‌ The‌ youth constitute 70% of Pakistan’s population. I respect the elders, but we⁢ cannot⁤ afford to cling to old ‍politics anymore,” Bilawal stressed. He added that the youth ‍are eager to take the reins and shape the country’s future, but are being held back by the old guard’s refusal to adapt to changing‍ times.

Bilawal’s call to action is rooted in his belief that Pakistan’s old politicians are stuck in a revenge politics mindset, prioritizing personal vendettas over the country’s welfare. He‌ cited the example of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who ‌promised to ‌leave old politics behind but ultimately resorted to the same tactics once in​ power.

“When Mian Sahib became the Prime Minister for the third time, he said ​he would leave‌ old⁣ politics, but when he got the chance‍ of government, he ⁤came down to the same old politics,” Bilawal pointed out. He also ​drew parallels between the ages of ‌prominent politicians, including Nawaz Sharif and Maulana Fazlur Rahman, when they entered ‌politics, highlighting that Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was⁢ the first young ⁢Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The PP Chairman’s vision for Pakistan is centered around ⁤establishing a⁢ people-centric government, where decisions are made with the⁢ future in mind, rather than​ being‌ driven by personal interests. He‍ claims that old politicians are more‌ concerned with maintaining their grip on power than working towards the betterment of the⁣ country.

“All the decisions of old politicians are based on today’s thinking, not ⁣thinking of tomorrow. Old politicians are claiming ⁤to abolish⁢ the 18th Amendment from today,⁤ they want to ⁤take away resources from Chitral⁢ and give them to Islamabad,” Bilawal lamented.

Bilawal’s demand has sparked a lively debate, with some hailing ⁢it as ‍a much-needed call to action, while others have‍ criticized it as a ploy to gain political mileage. However, the⁢ fact remains that Pakistan’s youth are ⁢clamoring for change, and‍ Bilawal’s message has resonated with many who are eager to‌ see a new era of politics in the country.

Keyword Density:

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari: 7

Pakistan People’s Party: 3

Old politicians: 6

Youth: 5

Politics: 8

Pakistan: 7

Government: 4

Optimized Images:

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s image with a caption “Bilawal Bhutto Zardari demands old politicians to step⁤ down”

A⁢ graph showing the youth population of Pakistan with a ‍caption “70% of⁢ Pakistan’s population is comprised of youth”

A ​image of‌ Shaheed Mohtarma ⁢Benazir Bhutto with a caption “Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the ⁢first young⁢ Prime ​Minister of Pakistan”

Internal Linking:

Link to a previous article about Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s stance on youth empowerment

Link to an article about the 18th Amendment and its implications for Pakistan’s provinces

Outbound Linking:

Link to a reputable news source article about Pakistan’s youth population ‌statistics

* Link to a study⁢ on the impact of old politics on Pakistan’s development



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