Bilal Al-Zein is saddened by the death of his dearest people

2023-12-12 15:27:41

The father of the Lebanese composer and distributor Bilal Al-Zein, Hajj Zuhair Abdel-Rahman Al-Zein, passed away. Prayers were held today for the deceased’s body in the Khashoggi Mosque, and he was buried in the Martyrs’ Cemetery.

Condolences were accepted before the burial and will be accepted after it today at the house of the son of the deceased, Hajj Nabil, located on Al-Jadeeda Road – Arab League, Faculty of Engineering Street, Sadiq Building 5, first floor.

Condolences will also be accepted tomorrow and the day after in the Islamic Center Hall – Aisha Bakkar from three in the afternoon until six in the afternoon for men and women.

From the Al-Fan family, we extend our condolences to Bilal Al-Zein and his family, hoping that God will inspire them with patience.

#Bilal #AlZein #saddened #death #dearest #people

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