big gaps in 2024

2023-12-11 07:00:00

Lhe averages hide big disparities. If, in 2024, the increase in banking services will remain below inflation, some banks have had a field day. Crédit Agricole Center Ouest, notes the MoneyVox site, will for example increase its account maintenance fees by 50%, La Banque Postale, by 21.4%, and Banque Populaire Val de France, by 20% – while they only progress by 2.5% on average among their competitors and that online banks have not made any increase. “We might have feared that, in 2024, the banks would want to catch up following having limited, in 2023, the progression to 2% at the request of the government, but this is not the case. The 2.5% increase is in line with the annual increases observed in recent years. notes Maxime Chipoy, president of MoneyVox.

Some charges flare up. The cost of withdrawing from a bank other than your own (beyond 4 withdrawals per year) increases by 10%, that of SMS alerts, useful for controlling your budget, by 4.2%, the price of transferring a securities account from one establishment to another of 9.5%, that of a PEL or a CEL, of 4.5%, that of a PEA, of 3.1%. 65 banks versus 60 have decided to introduce a fixed minimum agios in the event of payment incidents. Conversely, the price of a classic card will increase by 2.3%, that of a Premier/Gold card, by 2.7%, and that of a high-end card, by 2%. (See table).

According to the profile. In 2024, the cheapest traditional national bank will be LCL for a young profile (€26), La Banque Postale for a classic profile (€157.60) – despite increases in certain fees – and Société Générale. for its premium customers (€196.30). As for online banks, the least expensive are BoursoBank and Fortuneo. Both charge no fees on the young and premium profiles, and only €2.78 on the classic profile.

Among regional banks, the Banque Populaire network is well placed: it appears seventeen times as the cheapest thanks to its youth rates. La Banque Postale is cited eight times on the classic profile, where it is neck and neck. join forces with the Savings Bank and Crédit Agricole. On the premium side, the market is shared between the Caisse d’Epargne and Crédit Agricole §

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