Big free updates for our books on iOS 16 and macOS Ventura

Our two reference books on iOS 16 and macOS Ventura have been updated with the new features of the latest OS versions! On the side of New in iOS 16Nicolas added chapters dedicated to the collaboration functions of iOS 16, as well as the use of Stage Manager with an external screen.

There is also a complete update on the new features of iOS 16.2 and iOS 16.3: Apple Music Sing, enhanced iCloud data security and physical security keys to protect access to an Apple account. And of course there is a topo on all the other functions and improvements made by these new versions.

Important update also for macOS Ventura Guide ! Anthony worked on a new chapter “Working in collaboration” and made several additions and clarifications on the interfaces of the Reminders and Notes apps, as well as on the configuration of the controllers. This is also to reflect the new features brought by macOS 13.1.

If you bought one or both of our books (thanks!), the update is free of course. This lien will allow you to quickly download the latest version of the book(s). And if you want to treat yourself while saving money, our pack Pack iOS 16 + macOS Ventura is still on sale at the price of 14,99 € !

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