Big changes for 4 signs

The square formed by Uranus from the zodiac sign your Full Moon in Aquarius on 08/19 brings sudden career developments, changes and pressures at home and family, especially if you were born at the end of your sign. Unforeseen situations may arise in the professional field and you may not know how to react and what to decide, and because the Full Moon is in opposition to Mercury retrograde, it will be difficult to find a solution no matter how hard you try. You may feel frustrated, emotionally charged, as you will not be able to understand the demands of others from you, and you will have to arm yourself with as much patience as you have in order not to burst out. You may be pressured at work, have complaints and be attacked due to misunderstandings and reach your limits. Summon whatever reserves of diplomacy you have and keep your mental balance, or prepare for change… with whatever that word may entail. Do not get into a process of clarifications and confrontations, especially with your superiors, because you will lose whatever right you have, since everyone will be in a cheetah and no one will be in the mood to listen, except to impose their own. On the other hand, it is possible that the changes concern the home or family area. If, for example, the need to move arises, there are problems with the house as a property, or an issue concerning the family environment and you will feel that no one understands you and that everyone demands something from you and you will suffocate. Of course, there is also the scenario where you give everything for your career and have neglected your family and receive complaints and emotional blackmail for your behavior or an ultimatum that will shake you and you will not know what to do, since you will feel split between work and family who need you. We said, Mercury is retrograde and opposite the Full Moon and you will hardly find a point of agreement and so your nerves will be tested during this period. Keep calm, be patient and pay more attention to your health.

Opposite your sign is the intense and demanding August Full Moon, which puts your important relationships, marriage and partnerships under the microscope and brings unexpected developments especially if you were born in the last days of your sign. Because this moon comes with a lot of confusion, misunderstandings, misunderstandings and upheavals, it will disrupt your psychology and maybe stress you out, since you will be either tall or deep, and whatever you are experiencing personally or professionally may now take on gigantic proportions in your mind . Unfortunately, this Full Moon will bring to the surface all the problems that have been bothering you until now and you pretended to ignore them, but now you will feel that there is no more room for retreat. In general, it is a time when you will reflect a lot and review the way you relate to others, whether romantically or professionally and on a friendly level. Now you will become more assertive, uncompromising and you will want to clarify both within yourself and with others what is valuable, what makes you happy and joyful. Sudden loves or breakups are in the game, and this moon can also bring a person into your life who will change the way you think and bring things up and down, but since Mercury retrograde is also involved, don’t give ground and water before it proves its worth to you. There is also the possibility that you will be faced with revelations that will initially shock you, but then you will understand that it was for your own good. Since the Full Moon forms an opposition to Mercury retrograde, it is better to avoid any serious discussion or commitment, be careful that your words are not misunderstood, but also your driving, means of communication and means of transportation. Of course first of all you should take more care of your health and your good physical condition.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on 08/19 will play with your nerves and your patience, as the square it forms with Uranus will bring sudden developments and upheavals that will shake your trust for persons you thought were very close to you and perhaps lead to immediate and hasty decisions. Hot sectors affected by the moon have to do with home, family, real estate, your parents, your childhood and by reflection with career and there may be spatial changes at work or at home. With this moon you may also face some sudden challenges that will test your limits or may bring back memories of your childhood and some traumas that defined the way you relate to others to resolve them. Because you will be emotionally charged, avoid serious meetings and conversations, because repressed feelings and anger may surface and things may get out of control and you may close many doors behind you. And since Mercury is retrograde and unlike the Full Moon, try not to get into a confrontational process, because you won’t get any idea and things will get worse as you won’t know what is true and what is a lie. You will also be concerned with the house as a space. You may be in the process of remodeling the space or a problem may suddenly arise and you need to make repairs. Or a move may arise after unexpected situations, either at work or in the family. On the other hand, you may have pressure at work, but you want to gain some time for yourself and your loved ones and feel as if you are being pulled in two directions, since you will be divided between your professional and family obligations. The best thing you can do is try to find some time for yourself and only associate with people who love you, understand you and “forgive” you for your aggressive and reactive behavior. For some, an unexpected change in family life may occur, you may change house and area of ​​residence or have an emergency outing related to home and family.

You host the Full Moon on 08/19 and you must be ready for changes, upheavals and revelations that may affect developments in a relationship or partnership, but also in your family matters. The moon in difficult aspect with your ruler Uranus will make you even more extreme than you are, and your decisions will seem radical and incomprehensible in the eyes of others. There may be unexpected developments or hidden secrets come to light on a personal or professional level that fill you with anger and frustration and you are unable to negotiate and discuss with logical arguments, but put a definitive end to a relationship or partnership without much explanation and talk. The influence you receive is particularly strong and will put you in the process of taking stock of yourself and realizing, in the easy or the hard way, where you are going in your life. That is, if some of you feel that the excitement and passion in your relationship has been lost and that you have lost interest and yourself, then you will prefer to draw a red line, rather than spend yourself in fights and confrontations that lead nowhere. The same can occur in a partnership. But if you are happy and your partner is exactly what you have been looking for, then you will make the decision to take the relationship one step further and you might surprise both your partner and yourself. If you are born at the end of the third decade, you may feel enormous tension within yourself, while there may be attacks from your environment towards your face and doubt and you may rebel. But if you react angrily and without logically processing what comes up, then things can get worse. You see because we have Mercury retrograde opposite the Full Moon misunderstandings lurk and misunderstanding will reign and you will say one thing and others will understand another. So you don’t need to make any final decisions about your future or come clean now, because you won’t be able to communicate properly. Make your personal findings and after 29/08 when Mercury will return to its correct course, announce your decisions. In the days before and after the Full Moon, be careful in your movements, communication, transactions and your health.

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#Big #signs



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