Big ceremony in Mariazell: A former governor as an honorary citizen

The Municipality of Mariazell made the former Lower Austrian governor Erwin Proell an honorary citizen. In Mariazell, of course, such a ceremony does not take place without a service in the basilica.

MARIAZELL. In a festive setting, the former governor of Lower Austria, Erwin Prollfor his special services to the renovation of the Mariazell basilica and in particular to the strengthening of the rural area through the expansion of the Mariazellerbahn on Saturday in the Raiffeisensaal Mariazell presented the certificate of honorary citizenship of the city of Mariazell.

Before the actual ceremony was attended by Superior Father Michael Staberl invited to the Mariazell Basilica, where the day began with a Holy Mass.

Services to the preservation of the basilica

In his eulogy, the mayor Walter Schweighofer the personal connection of the new honorary citizen to Mariazell and the special relationship of the state of Lower Austria to the Mariazell Basilica and the Great Mother of Austria Reminisce. Words of appreciation followed from the representative of the state of Lower Austria. Stephan Pernkopf, by the representative of the state of Styria, governor Christopher Drexler and by the Federal Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner.

The awarding of the certificate of honorary citizenship took place in the Raiffeisen Hall in Mariazell.

Among the many guests were, in addition to the above-mentioned personalities from politics, the mayors of the neighboring Lower Austrian communities of Mitterbach and Annaberg, honorary citizens of the city of Mariazell, municipal councillors, companions such as the former governor Herman Schuetzenhofer as well as friends and especially the Proell family.

Other contributions from the region:

“I have a different understanding of renewable energy than my Upper Austrian colleague”

The mountain village “Montestyria” was opened in Mariazell



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