Big Brother: New Elimination Process and the Playoff Players

2023-09-29 03:34:00

The House of Big Brother began a new elimination process following the income of the playoff players with the idea of ​​defining who will definitively leave the next Sunday.

It should be remembered that this week six competitors joined the game. The vote of the public and their own colleagues determined that they were Francisco, Fran, Skarleth, Estefanía, Alessia and Sebastiánwho do not have immunity and can be voted now.

Added to them was the previous entry of iCata, who also became the leader of the week following surpassing Raimundo, which will have an important role on the plate.

There is another novelty that influences the nominations, since Big Brother determined that Hans, Jennifer, Coni y Jorgethe four historical ones of the program, They will have immunity for two weeks. This means that they will not be able to receive votes, but they will be able to nominate.

The new Big Brother elimination plate

After the votes of the players who are still in competition in the confessional, it was learned that the new elimination plate was made up of: Scarlette (13 votes), Francisca (10), Raimundo (7) and Ignacia (5).

However, as the leader of the week, iCata had the benefit of rescuing one of its colleagues and opted for Ignacia. In this way, the final plate was left with Scarlette, Raimundo and Francisca.

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