Big artists lined up to get rations, fans dejected

Big artists lined up to get rations, fans dejected

Well-known and financially stable artists of Karachi stage drama started fighting the right of the deserving artists, rich and big artists started standing in lines to get the ration bags given to the poor and needy deserving artists.

Due to lack of stage drama throughout Ramadan, stage artists facing financial problems are doing children’s game shows on TV, some big artists associated with stage drama including Shakeel Siddiqui, Faisal Nadeem, Younis Memon, Parvez Siddiqui, Hasan Jahangir, Mohammad Other artists including Ali Shehki, who despite being financially stable, have received a relief check of Rs 15,000 from the president of Karachi Arts Council.

The relief checks were meant for poor and deserving stage drama artistes, senior stage drama artists began to eat the right of deserving artists. Shakeel Siddiqui and other famous artists including Rauf Lala were also banned from working with them by major directors of stage plays due to their constant failures and poor acting.

People want something new, but the same old worlds and same style of acting of these actors made the people disgusted with the stage due to which the stage play had bad effects and the people stopped visiting the stage. Big directors and producers of Karachi now started avoiding investing money on these artists.

Compared to Karachi, the artists of Punjab are the voice of the hearts of the people there, they also make them laugh and bring new things to entertain the people, while few artists of Karachi, on whom the people of Karachi and the stage drama depend. used to, today they have started to disappoint the people, they seem unable to please the people as compared to the artists of Punjab.

The artists of Punjab province come up with new things and give ample opportunity to the new talent to come forward so that the public can see new faces and not get bored of seeing the same faces. So now they are not able to give any performance and they do not give a chance to new talent to come forward due to which the stage drama in Karachi is getting worse day by day.

#Big #artists #lined #rations #fans #dejected
2024-07-17 08:30:46



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