Biden warns of the consequences of oil production cuts, a Saudi prince responds | Russia | Partners

[NTDTV, Beijing time, October 18, 2022]Last week,SaudiThe decision by leading OPEC+ members to cut oil production runs counter to the demands of the United States, which has seen unprecedented tensions between the United States and Saudi Arabia.BidenPresident vows toSaudito impose”as a result of“, on Sunday (October 16), a Saudi prince responded with threats.

“Anyone who challenges the very existence of this country and this kingdom. All of us, products of jihad, martyrs,” Saudi Prince Saud al-Shaalan said in a video on Twitter. “This is my message to anyone who thinks they can threaten us. “

After OPEC+ decided to cut oil production,BidenAttacked on Saudi Arabia, accusing it of fighting with Ukraine in war with UkraineRussiastand together and warn the kingdom will face ”as a result of”。

In response, Saudi Arabia issued a lengthy statement denying that the decision was made to helpRussia

Tensions between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have raised concerns that the long-standing security alliance between the two may be in the process of breaking apart. But a Saudi source told Fox News Digital that Sharan’s remarks do not represent the views of the government, which is likely to take action against the prince’s video.

Experts say Biden is pushing a “historically” close Middle East ally into the arms of America’s enemies.Victoria Coates, a senior fellow in international affairs and national security at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington think tank, told Fox News Digital:partnerof countries are turning to Russia and China, a colossal failure of the U.S. leadership. “

Saudi Arabia sees oil as a commodity, a key pillar of its economy, while the Biden administration sees oil as a domestic political issue, Coates said.Doing so leads to long-termpartnerFinding other ways to advance their interests often leads them to pursue closer ties with Moscow and Beijing.

Continuing to push its influence in the Middle East, China has become the largest buyer of oil in the Gulf, actively investing in infrastructure in the region and working with Saudi Arabia to develop ballistic missiles.

In the case of the Russia-Ukraine war, the Gulf states have rejected efforts by the U.S.-led Western bloc to isolate Russia, adopting a more neutral stance while sticking to their agreement with Russia not to push for a significant increase in oil production.

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“None of them want to work with Russia and China, but they’re exploring that option because they don’t feel Washington is offering them anything.” Negotiations with Russia and China could also be easier for the Gulf states, Coates said. Because they see this partnership as a “deal” rather than a statement of values.

“These countries may be more attractive as partners because they’re not asking for a transition in the Middle East. They’re just looking for transactional relationships,” said Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a US think tank. ) told Fox News Digital.

U.S. foreign policy has been changing, with Democrats and Republicans racing to overturn the policies of their predecessors, Shantzer said. Middle Eastern countries now seek stability, even if it means doing business with China and Russia.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in an interview with CNN on the 16th that as Biden reassesses, the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia will not change immediately.

“The president will not act rashly.” Sullivan said that Biden will act methodically and strategically, and he will consult with members of both parties and will also work with members of Congress to study options.

(Comprehensive report by reporter Li Zhaoxi/responsible editor: Lin Qing)

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