Biden says U.S. and NATO will stand with Ukraine to take back every inch Russia has taken | America, NATO ready to defend every single inch -Joe Biden

Washington DC: President Joe Biden said that the US and NATO will stand together in the fight to recapture every inch of Ukraine annexed by Russia. The US President’s statement came in the context of the annexation of 15 percent of Ukraine’s regions to Russia, which has made the region more tense. Following Russia’s move, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accelerated the process of joining the NATO military alliance.

“Don’t let Putin scare America and its allies with his thoughtless words and threats. “Don’t think that you can take over the territory of the neighboring country and get away,” said Biden.

America and NATO allies are fully prepared. Every inch of terrain will be protected. “Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, Putin, every inch is what I’m saying,” Biden said in front of reporters.

The regions of Ukraine are Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia. It was made a part of Russia following conducting an inspection. Luhansk and Donetsk are former pro-Russian enclaves. Kherson and Zaporizhia Russia by military action in February Caught.

At a ceremony held at the Kremlin’s Georgian Hall on Friday, Russian Pres. Not Vladimir Putin made a technical announcement regarding this. Putin has said he has no intention of reviving the Soviet Union. He added that the captured territories would be protected in every sense and the residents would be Russian citizens forever.

More than 95 percent of people in the polls say they want to join Russia. Moscow makes it clear that it has expressed its interest. At the same time, Russia has assets in all four declared annexed areas. Rna is not dominant. Russia took over 90,000 square kilometers of territory. This is 15 percent of Ukraine. In 2014, Crimea, which was part of Ukraine, became part of Russia. By annexing four new territories, Russia will be able to establish a land corridor to strategic Crimea.

Ukraine, the European Union and NATO have made it clear that they will not accept the annexation. Ukraine has applied for NATO membership as a response to Russia’s unilateral action.



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