Biden reaches out to Trump from the hospital bed

Biden reaches out to Trump from the hospital bed

– I am at home with corona, so I was so unlucky that I saw Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention. What the hell was he talking regarding, wrote Biden on X Friday night.

He accuses Trump of making a number of lies in his speech and refers, among other things, to Trump’s promise to overcome the rise in prices.

The first thing Biden tackles, however, is Trump’s efforts once morest the disease that has now affected the president himself.

– Blatant lie

– Let’s start with this. Donald says he “did a great job” with covid. Folks, this is the same guy who told us to inject ourselves with disinfectants while over a million Americans died.

After the statement regarding the potentially lethal injections, Trump said he was just thinking out loud and thought it sounded interesting.

Biden also has no faith in Trump’s promise to overhaul the Medicare health insurance system.

– This is a flat out lie, people! Trump tried to cut this every year when he was in power. And he will do it once more, writes the president.

False claims

Fact-checkers in several media have also concluded that Trump made a stream of undocumented claims and untruths during the national assembly speech.

CNN proved at least 20 false claims and referred to the speech as “the most dishonest” given during the four-day national meeting.

Biden assures from his hospital bed that he still intends to run as the Democrats’ candidate, even though more and more people in the party now believe that he should withdraw.

Harris reassured

The party’s contributors have also begun to withdraw, and Vice President Kamala Harris tried on Friday during a meeting with some of the biggest financial contributors to quell the unrest.

Harris assured that Biden will win the election in November, says one of those who participated.

On Friday, Sherrod Brown of Ohio became the fourth Democratic senator to call on Biden to resign.

The same call has been made by 34 of the party’s members in the House of Representatives. The Democrats have 47 senators and 213 seats in the House.

#Biden #reaches #Trump #hospital #bed
2024-07-21 21:31:54



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