Biden: Putin decides to attack Ukraine… within days



U.S. President Joe Biden said an invasion might be done within days, saying he had grounds to believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin was determined to attack Ukraine.

He also issued a strong warning that an invasion would be international bullying.

This is Correspondent Lee Kyung-hee in Washington DC.


President Joe Biden said Russia is continuing to build up troops near the Ukrainian border and that Russia might attack Ukraine in days.

In particular, he said that he has evidence that President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade, and that he is targeting the capital Kiev.

He said that he had maintained that President Putin did not appear to have made a decision, although he had high regard for the threat of a Russian invasion.

<조 바이든 / 미국 대통령> “At this moment, I am convinced that Putin has made a decision. We have reason to believe it. He has considerable intelligence.”

President Biden warned that the attack would bring outrage in the United States and around the world.

However, he stressed that the road to diplomacy was open until the invasion. Referring to the U.S.-Russian foreign ministers meeting scheduled for the 23rd, he said that if military action is taken before that, it will become clear that Russia has closed its diplomatic doors.

Meanwhile, a White House official said, “We are coordinating final sanctions with our allies in preparation for a Russian invasion,” he said.

<달리프 싱 / 백악관 국가안보 부보좌관> “If Russia invades Ukraine, it will inevitably lead to bullying in the international community. This will be a strategic defeat for Russia.”

He predicted that measures such as financial market isolation and high-tech export controls would be imposed, and as a result, severe capital outflows, inflation, and weakening of production capacity would be hit in all directions.

However, he said that the withdrawal of the international financial settlement network may not be included in the initial sanctions.

The White House also predicted that more destructive attacks might be made, saying that a widespread cyberattack on Ukrainian banks and others was recently identified as being the work of Russia.

This is Yonhap News TV, Lee Kyung-hee from Washington.

#Jobiden #Ukraine #Putin

Yonhap News TV Article Inquiries and Reports: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23



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