Biden discusses Xi Jinping, hopes to pressure Putin to end the Ukraine-China war, vows to promote peace

news agency Channel News Asia reported that the president Joe Biden of the United States, video call with the president Xi Jinping China for about 1 hour and 30 minutes on Friday, March 18, 2022 by the US leader. The goal is to pressure China to join Western nations. condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

while the United States A statement has not yet been issued regarding this discussion. China’s CCTV television station reported that president color told Biden that War is of no use to anyone. and relations between states should not reach the point of military hostility. Xi said China and the United States should bear international responsibility, declaring that peace and security are the international community’s most valuable assets.

The Chinese leader also said The international situation is going in a new direction. And that has changed significantly since the two leaders last spoke in November last year. “The approach of the era of peaceful development faces serious challenges. and the world is no longer very peaceful or safe.” The Ukrainian crisis was not something they wanted to see.

The US White House also kept his mouth shut Will Biden threaten China with economic sanctions during the talks? If China decides to help Russia with heavy sanctions, however, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Biden would make it clear that China would be held accountable for any action. supporting Russian aggression

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