Bible tree born from thousand-year-old seed effective for cancer treatment – Life & Style

In a surprising discovery, scientists have revived an ancient seed that dates back nearly a thousand years. Now transformed into a tree, this rare tree is 10 feet tall and has been named “Sheba” after a famous biblical queen.

The seed was found during an excavation in the Judean Desert in the 1980s and is estimated to be between 993 AD and 1202 AD.

Scientists say the seed belongs to a species of tree mentioned in the Bible that was found in present-day Israel, Palestine and Jordan.

The tree is also associated with other important compounds mentioned in the Bible, such as Mary and Frankincense, which date back to the time of Jesus.

Scientists say that the research of “sheba” will give us the opportunity to learn the secrets of the ancient medicine of the Bible and may open new ways to revive other ancient trees.

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2024-09-29 13:46:12



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