Beyond the Crumbling Facade: Unmasking the Hidden Agenda of Belgium’s ENABEL

On September 14th (click HERE), your author already wrote a contribution about ENABEL, a shady Belgian clan that spends money all over the world with taxpayers’ money, benefiting only ENABEL’s managers, and which de facto functions as a useless vehicle that only serves Belgian interests.

But it doesn’t stop there.

ENABEL has a hidden anti-Semitic terror agenda and is led by the French-speaking complete nothing-expert Jean Van Wetterwho became the infamous pallie pipester without a fair recruitment procedure Heidi De Pauw so that she can waste her time in Jordan at the expense of yourself, the taxpayer.

Now to the point: ENABEL has offices all over the world, including in Gaza. It is a kind of equivalent there of the terror-worshiping organization UNRWA. Or better: was…

Because Israel’s bombs and grenades made ENABEL’s profiteers flee to Belgium.

The head of ENABEL (appointed CEO in 2020) in Gaza answers to the name Haneen Abu Nahlaa colleague of Heidi De Pauw so who has the same function in Jordan.

Previously (2015-2020), Abu Nahla was also pampered by the Belgian state as an executive at the Belgian Development Agency, thanks to the then minister Meryame Kitir.

A few days ago, Haneen told the French-speaking Belgian press about her damned exodus from the Gaza fun strip.

Before we quote her, the reader knows of course that the Gaza strip has been ruled by HAMAS since 2006 and that any political resistance there is crushed with summary executions:

“I cannot repeat enough what a normal life we ​​had there (in Gaza) before the events of October 7, 2023. From 2020 onwards, everything in terms of modernization accelerated once again. I was aware of my privileged situation in Gaza: a great job at ENABEL, a nice home, 4 happy children who attended excellent schools in Gaza and great family members in good health.”

Well, it is clear that Haneen was a luxury goat while 99% of Gazans suffered in poverty and under political repression from HAMAS.

But no problem: together with all her Mohammedan colleagues at ENABEL, the Belgian state ensured that they could come safely to Belgium after October 7, 2023, and Haleen’s family now lives in the poor municipality of Tervuren.

End of story?

But no, that is why you, dear reader, are a reader with good taste of ‘tSCHELDT.

Haneen Abu Nahla is a subject who in the past undisguisedly expressed her support for terrorist organizations such as HAMAS and was accused for this by several NGOs.

In 2014, a year before she joined the Belgian Development Agency, she was at her peak of glorifying terror and posted several incitements to destroy Israel.

As an example, a cartoon she posted of the al-Qassam brigades where an al-Qassam member crushes the head of an Israeli soldier:

Here is a cartoon she posted in which an Israeli soldier is forced to sign the surrender under the resistance’s terms by a HAMAS terrorist:

And here is a cartoon glorifying an act of terror with the title: “Today we achieved victory”

She was probably hired by Kitir a year later, in 2015, because of her terrorist publications.

Below you see Jean Van Wetter (who doesn’t speak one iota of Dutch) with his new addition Heidi De Pauw.

It is not clear why Heidi De Pauw holds her legs tightly together. Presumably the proximity of the tingling Manneke Pis has something to do with it.

And here you finally see the repatriates from Gaza at your expense who were resettled by ENABEL in Tervuren, Uccle and the surrounding area:

I wish all those who still have no doubts about the “good intentions” of King Philippe and his entourage much strength and a pleasant evening.



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Title: Unmasking ENABEL: Shady Operations, Anti-Semitic Agenda, and Terror Links

In my recent article, I shed light on ENABEL, a Belgian organization notorious for wasting taxpayers’ money on benefits for its managers while serving Belgian interests. Further investigation has revealed a darker side to this organization – an anti-Semitic terror agenda and ties to extremist groups.

At the helm of ENABEL is Jean Van Wetter, a self-proclaimed expert with questionable credentials, who appointed Heidi De Pauw to a lucrative position in Jordan. Meanwhile, Israel’s military actions in Gaza forced ENABEL’s office to close, and its head, Haneen Abu Nahla, fled to Belgium.

Abu Nahla, a colleague of De Pauw, has a history of receiving preferential treatment from the Belgian state. Her appointment to ENABEL in Gaza raises concerns, especially considering her past support for terrorist organizations, including HAMAS. Despite HAMAS’s brutal rule in the Gaza Strip since 2006, Abu Nahla described her life there as “normal” and “privileged,” showcasing her disconnect from the struggles of ordinary Gazans.

The Belgian state’s decision to provide Abu Nahla and her family with safe passage to Belgium, where they now reside in the municipality of Tervuren, raises questions about the country’s priorities. Why is the state prioritizing the well-being of someone who has expressed support for terrorist organizations?

Moreover, Abu Nahla’s past statements have been criticized by several NGOs, and her glorification of terror is deeply disturbing. Her appointment to ENABEL and subsequent transfer to Belgium sends a worrying message about the organization’s true intentions and values.

It is imperative that we continue to scrutinize ENABEL’s activities and the people who run it. The fact that they operate in the shadows, using taxpayers’ money to further their own interests, is unacceptable. We must demand transparency and accountability from organizations like ENABEL, holding them to higher standards of integrity and respect for human rights.

The case of Haneen Abu Nahla serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of tolerating extremism and anti-Semitism. It is our responsibility as citizens to speak out against such ideologies and demand that our governments and institutions uphold the values of justice, equality, and human dignity.



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