Beyond Boundaries: The Transformative Potential of the Baladna Project in Infant Formula Manufacturing

2024-09-12 15:31:37

ALGIERS – The Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, Ali Aoun, received, Thursday in Algiers, the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Algeria, Mr. Abdulaziz Ali Naama, and the Advisor to the Board of Directors (CA) of the Qatari company “Baladna“, Ali El-Ali, with whom he discussed the possibility of expanding the “Baladna” project to the production of infant milk, indicates a press release from the ministry.

After the presentation by the Qatari company of its capacities in the production of infant milk, reaffirming its full willingness to implement this project, Mr. Aoun affirmed that “the Algerian State will provide all guarantees for its success.” To this end, he gave instructions to “accelerate its implementation,” added the same source.

During this meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the ministry, the two parties agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding, before the end of the current month, with the aim of carrying out the infant milk production project, whose production capacity should gradually reach 30,000 tons, within the framework of the integrated Algerian-Qatari project for the production of powdered milk.

As a reminder, after the signing, at the end of April, of a framework agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Qatari company “Baladna” for the implementation of an integrated project for the production of powdered milk in southern Algeria, the work to implement the first phase of the project, for which a total area of ​​117,000 hectares was dedicated in the commune of Timokten, daïra of Aoulef (Adrar), was launched at the beginning of September.

The first phase of production of this megaproject, the result of a partnership between the National Investment Fund (FNI) and the Qatari Baladna Company, and whose investment amount exceeds 3.5 billion USD, will be in 2026.

The project will produce 50% of the national needs in powdered milk, supply the local market with red meat and create 5,000 direct jobs, in addition to its contribution to the production of cereals and livestock feed within the framework of the application of the crop rotation system at the three poles of the project.

The project will be carried out through several stages, namely the drilling of exploratory wells to study the nature of groundwater and the establishment of innovative mechanisms to preserve it and supply this flagship project, the cultivation of cereals to produce the food needed to raise herds of cows, then the construction of farms for breeding and the production of red meat, and finally the creation of a powdered milk production plant.

Thanks to the project, the region will be home to an integrated farm with more than 270,000 head of cattle, producing nearly 1.7 billion liters of milk per year using the latest techniques in cattle breeding and the dairy industry and respecting quality and environmental sustainability standards.

The project will also provide, during the implementation phase, 10,000 temporary jobs for the construction of the living base and the various structures of the project, while the project managers plan in the future to extend this investment across the other regions of the country with its components (livestock feed cultivation, cattle breeding, milk and red meat production).

#possibility #expanding #Baladna #project #production #infant #milk

What are the main goals of the Baladna project in Algeria?‌

Baladna: The Ambitious ⁢Algerian-Qatari Dairy Venture

In a significant development, the Algerian-Qatari partnership, Baladna, ⁣is all set to⁤ expand‌ its operations to produce infant milk, marking a major milestone in the ‌country’s ⁤dairy industry. This ⁤move comes as a result of a meeting between the Minister of​ Industry and Pharmaceutical⁢ Production, Ali​ Aoun,⁢ and the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Algeria, Mr. Abdulaziz Ali Naama, and the Advisor ‌to ⁤the Board of Directors (CA) of the Qatari company “Baladna”, ‍Ali El-Ali.


The Baladna‍ project, a joint venture between the National Investment Fund (FNI) and the Qatari Baladna Company, ​aims to establish an ‌integrated dairy production facility in southern Algeria. With an investment of⁣ over ​$3.5 billion, the project is expected to produce 50% of⁤ the national‌ needs in powdered milk, supply ‌the local market with‍ red meat, and create ​5,000 direct jobs [[2]]. The project will be​ carried out through several stages, including the drilling of exploratory wells, cultivation of cereals, construction of farms, and ‍the creation of a powdered milk​ production plant.

Infant Milk Production

The latest ‌development ‌will see Baladna expanding its operations to produce infant milk, with a production capacity of 30,000 ‍tons per year⁤ [[1]]. The Qatari company has reaffirmed its ⁢commitment to implementing this project, and ⁤the Algerian State has ‍pledged to provide all necessary guarantees for its success. The two parties have agreed to sign‍ a memorandum of⁢ understanding‌ by the end of the month to carry out the ⁣infant milk production project [[3]].


The Baladna ‍project is expected to have a significant impact on the ⁣Algerian economy and ⁣the local community. The‍ project will not only meet the national demand for powdered ⁣milk but also provide a stable source of income for⁣ thousands of people. The integrated farm, which ‍will be home to over 270,000⁤ head of cattle, will also contribute to the production of cereals and livestock feed, promoting crop rotation and sustainable agriculture practices.


The first phase ⁤of the project, launched in September, is expected to be completed by 2026. The project’s implementation is being ⁢carried out in several stages, ​with the drilling of exploratory wells and the ‌establishment of innovative mechanisms to ‌preserve groundwater being the⁢ first steps.


The Baladna project is a significant step forward for Algeria’s dairy industry, and the expansion into ⁣infant milk production is a testament ⁣to the partnership’s commitment to meeting the country’s growing demand for high-quality​ dairy products. With its ambitious plans and significant investment, the project is poised to have a lasting impact on the Algerian economy and the local community.





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Baladna: The Ambitious Algerian-Qatari Dairy Venture

In a significant development, the Algerian-Qatari partnership, Baladna, is all set to expand its operations to produce infant milk, marking a major milestone in the country’s dairy industry. This move comes as a result of a meeting between the Minister of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, Ali Aoun, and the Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Algeria, Mr. Abdulaziz Ali Naama, and the Advisor to the Board of Directors (CA) of the Qatari company “Baladna”, Ali El-Ali.


The Baladna project, a joint venture between the National Investment Fund (FNI) and the Qatari Baladna Company, aims to establish an integrated dairy production facility in southern Algeria. With an investment of over $3.5 billion, the project is expected to produce 50% of the national needs in powdered milk, supply the local market with red meat, and create



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