Beyond Black and White: Rethinking the Shades of Justice

Beyond Black and White: Rethinking the Shades of Justice

Pavlos Polakis asked for Stefanos Kasselakis to take back the extra-judicial case and emphasized that there is no question of removing the candidate for President of SYRIZA.

“As unacceptable as the leak of Pothen Esches is, so is the extrajudicial one”, sent by Stefanos Kasselakis, said Pavlos Polakis characteristically.

“As unacceptable as the leak to the media of a single Pothen Esshes is, it is 100 times more unacceptable for the candidate president, according to his statement, to send an extrajudicial letter to the Political Secretariat and the Central Committee of the party he wants to lead,” emphasized Pavlos Polakis. , coming from the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA.

“I stated in every direction that I demand that my Pothen Esches, as well as the others, be posted today. It’s public. We knew very well from the moment this decision was taken by the Central Committee, that the signatures and the Pothen Esches that would be made public were needed. I request that mine be posted today. And I ask others to do the same.

Secondly, I call on Stefanos Kasselakis, today, within one or two hours, to take back the unacceptable out of court to the party, the Political Secretariat and the Central Committee of the party he wants to lead again, through the collective democratic process.

Third and most important. I invite all the candidates to set an appointment immediately, the day after tomorrow, under the responsibility of Rania of Svigo, the Secretary, either with the five of us, which I prefer, or with our representatives, to set debate dates, probably someone should be done before the Conference. To define the process, to enter into a pre-election process, with consensus and programmatic confrontation and not with this parapolitics, which gives a very bad image to the outside.

There is no question of deletion here, of course. Presidential candidate? I think some people put it on the basis that he had sent an extrajudicial. But he cannot proceed to write off a presidential candidate. This shows weakness. The answer for the extrajudicial will be given. I call on him, personally I call on him, to withdraw the extrajudicial and to understand who it is. From there on, there will be the response of the Political Secretariat that will put things in their place.

I’m just saying this so that we can proceed in terms of politics and not parapolitics and malice. We will move forward because the role of SYRIZA is to become the official opposition and to overthrow Mitsotakis the day after tomorrow. This is the role of SYRIZA. Whoever understands it, behaves accordingly. Anyone who does not understand this commits these misdeeds,” said Mr. Polakis.

#extrajudicial #delete



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