beware of sleepiness during the day


  • The prevalence of sleep apnea is twice as high in men as in women, according to the HAS.
  • It increases with age and overweight: at least 30% of people over 65 are affected by sleep apnea, according to Inserm.

In France, sleep apnea, also called obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (SAHOS), affects 2 to 5% of the adult population, which represents 1 to 3 million patients, according to the High Authority of Health (HAS).

Sleep apnea causes drowsiness

Sleep apnea is characterized by repeated and uncontrolled interruptions of breathing during the night. More specifically, it is the airway at the level of the pharynx which closes for 10 to 30 seconds or sometimes more, at the rate of at least five events per hour of sleep. Without realizing it, patients typically experience micro-awakenings during the night as their brain triggers a reflex neurological system to breathe. But it disrupts their sleep and affects their daily lives. According to l’National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), these are snoring, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disorders, premature death or even daytime sleepiness.

This last symptom is characterized by involuntary drowsiness during the day as soon as the environment is no longer stimulating. In an awareness campaign aimed at the general public, Sleep Apnea Alliance recalls that excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) increases the risk of accidents. And this, all the more so since this symptom “persists in 13% [des patients atteints d’apnée du sommeil] despite well-conducted continuous positive pressure therapy”. It is generally a device – most often a mask – which, during the night, sends air into the respiratory tract so that the patient breathes continuously. According to’Health Insurancewe speak of ventilation in CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure).

Drowsiness increases the risk of accidents

Fatigue corresponds to the difficulty in maintaining a performance, it is manifested by muscle pain, staring, stiff neck, explains Dr. Marc Sapène, president of Alliance Apnée du Sommeil on the organization’s website. Drowsiness is difficulty staying awake, with a significant risk of falling asleep; it is due to a lack or poor quality of sleep. Its only natural treatment is to sleep, while fatigue will be corrected by rest.

Drowsiness is not a symptom to be underestimated because it increases the risk of certain accidents. Those on the road first, because drowsiness at the wheel is responsible for 20% of fatal traffic accidents in Europe. Another risk: accidents at work. “People do not measure the severity of drowsinesssays Dr. Marc Sapène. People who work as crane operators, airplane pilots (…) not only put themselves at risk but, by the nature of their profession, also endanger the lives of others.

If you suffer from drowsiness, you should therefore consult your general practitioner as soon as possible. If you are already followed for SAHOS, the specialized practitioner must “look for the cause of this residual drowsiness”, develops Dr. Marc Sapène. When all causes are excluded, there would remain only 6% of residual sleepiness without identified causes, according to a study published in 2009 in the journal European Respiratory Journal. But here once more, support can be put in place to help patients, reduce their symptoms and allow them to live normally.



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