Beware .. body pain in this area is a sign of OMIK

02:30 PM

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Books – Syed Metwally

In November 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the omicron variant of Covid as a variant of concern (VoC), meaning that the SARs-CoV-2 strain was highly transmissible, with a higher mortality rate.

Over time, experts realized that although the new variant was highly contagious, it was much milder than previous variants of COVID-19, including Delta.

However, it has been more than seven months since news of the omicron variable appeared and even today, it is still prevalent in many parts of the world, with new sub-variables emerging every now and then, scientists and experts have warned people not to underestimate, according to the Times of India.

Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the new Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5 are dominant, moreover, a new variant of Omicron appeared recently, called BA.2.75, nicknamed Centaurus and It was first discovered in India in early May.

Amidst the new emerging variables, experts have highlighted another symptom – a specific pain – that might be indicative of an omicron variable. Let’s find out what it is.

Experts reveal the type of pain associated with Omicron

According to the Zoe COVID Symptom Study, back pain is among 20 symptoms of the omicron variant of COVID, and Professor Tim Spector, head of the Symptom Study App, says regarding one in five people with omicron have back pain.

Although there is no specific reason why people with COVID-19 develop these symptoms, it is thought that the pain can be dull and may limit movement.

Experts at VaccinesWork reveal, “Data from South Africa where the variant was first identified suggests that people who develop Omicron often develop two sets of symptoms — sore throat, nasal congestion and coughing — as well as muscle pain, particularly lower back pain.”

Back pain has been described by some as severe menstrual cramps, kidney stones or muscle cramps, but does back pain necessarily mean you have Covid?

What other diseases can lead to these symptoms?

Other than corona, back pain can be caused by several other health problems. According to the Mayo Clinic, strained muscles and ligaments, swelling or arthritis, osteoporosis, and other factors such as age, inactivity, obesity and improper weight lifting can lead to back pain.

– The most popular omicron marks to help you differentiate

How do you know if you have back pain associated with Omicron or other causes?.. Experts advise watching for other signs such as sore throat, cough, fever, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue and other respiratory symptoms.

With omicron infection, mild illness is more common. However, if you have shortness of breath, chest pain, low oxygen levels, and other serious complications, contact your doctor immediately.

Covid tests are the best way

Besides detecting symptoms of corona, taking the SARs-CoV-2 test can give you accurate results, if you want to get quick results, you should resort to a quick test, RT PCR is the best diagnostic test.

Make sure you maintain your distance from others, especially those at risk, until you receive a negative test report.

Best to avoid infection

Masks are still very effective in reducing the spread of disease, with highly contagious variants and sub-variants circulating among us, it is best to cover your mouth and nose with face masks as well as maintain an appropriate distance from others, get vaccinated or a booster, if you qualify.

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