Beware…a sign in the arm and shoulder could indicate a serious illness

10:00 pm

Saturday 25 June 2022

Books – Syed Metwally

Each year, many people over the age of 60 are diagnosed with lung cancer who smoke or have smoked, and even for non-smokers, second-hand smoke from the home or workplace can increase the risk of lung cancer by up to 30 percent.

Detecting lung cancer before it has a chance to develop or spread is often the best hope for a cure, but there is a mark in the arm and shoulder that could indicate this deadly disease, according to the British newspaper express.

The most common form of lung cancer forms in the air passages leading to the lungs. If a tumor blocks the airways, it can also cause shortness of breath, wheezing and a persistent cough that may include blood and phlegm.

A tumor in the upper part of the lung can put pressure on nerves and blood vessels entering the arm, causing pain and weakness, and this can be accompanied by a constant feeling of tingling and needles.

One of the early signs that is difficult to detect is clubbing, where the tips of the fingers become engorged and painful due to lack of oxygen.

In some cases, the tumor may compress blood flow to the head, causing swelling around the face.

Common signs with other forms of cancer include fatigue, weight loss, and in some cases, a lung tumor may release large amounts of hormones that cause strange symptoms in the body.

Lung cancer can coincide with other lung infections, and if you have a lung infection that doesn’t respond to antibiotics or other treatments, your doctor may screen you for lung cancer.

If you think you may have lung cancer, your doctor can arrange for you to have a chest X-ray. This initial test can identify abnormal structures in the lung that suggest cancer, but more tests are often needed afterward to confirm a positive diagnosis. .

A CT scan produces a 3-D image of the lungs, while a biopsy of the lymph nodes can determine whether the cancer has spread outside the lungs, and the result of additional tests often determines the treatment options your doctor can provide.

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When cancer is caught early, there are treatments available that have the potential to cure it. More advanced forms of lung cancer are difficult to treat, but treatment can still slow its progression and relieve the most painful symptoms.

Lung cancers often spread more quickly than other forms of cancer. Cancer cells spread through the blood that passes through the lungs and travel to the rest of the body. This often means that lung cancer is not detected until after it has spread.

Reduce the risk of lung cancer

You can reduce your risk of developing lung cancer by maintaining your physical health and avoiding risk factors.

Smoking and air pollution are the most common risk factors, but there are other chemicals that can cause cancer when inhaled or handled. Working in the chemical production of chromium or handling nickel compounds has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.

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