Betz. The rural home of Valois Multien at the time of taking stock

2023-10-23 10:43:26

The Valois Multien rural center offers many activities to the inhabitants of the region. – Photo: Rural home. The Valois Multien rural center offers many activities to the inhabitants of the region. – Photo: Rural home.

The rural home of Valois Multien held its general meeting on October 21. The opportunity to take stock of the activities of an association which had no fewer than 159 members for the 2022/2023 season. Which makes it an association that counts in Valois Multien. And particularly on the side of Betzwhere the headquarters of the rural center is located and where 22% of members live.

Volleyball, hiking, badminton, fitness, tai chi, gymnastics, astronomy: the sections of the rural center have something to satisfy as many people as possible. But the association also shines for the quality of the events it organizes. “It was another year rich and varied in artistic proposals and discoveries of the territories, judge those responsible. We therefore offered six concerts, a play, a show halfway between theater and musical, and two discovery outings. We also renewed, for the 4th consecutive year, Jardi’Sons in collaboration with our friends from the Ookpik association.” The latter also proposed and organized a Bad Trap in partnership with the rural center. “It was a first and it was a success,” assure the organizers.

Very involved in local life

The Valois Multien rural home also actively participated in the Betz flea market and the Greenway Festivalnotably by having a stand there.

The discovery outings took place in the medieval town of Provins, in Seine-et-Marne. Eighteen people took part in this outing scheduled for August 20. The weekend in Flanders, in mid-May, brought together 22 people. Other outings of the same type, both distant and close to us, will take place in 2024.

The gymnastics section brings together around ten members who returned to the gym at the end of September, “in music, in complete simplicity of dress and in good humor.”

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Around thirty members regularly participate in leisure badminton sessions. And despite a few hiccups, activities resumed in mid-September.

Astronomy is on the rise

The “astronomy” activity still has its fans. “The first Tuesday of each month, we once again offer astronomical presentations followed, sometimes, by observations in cold and humid climatic conditions to admire comets, nebulae and to try to photograph galaxies and other celestial objects, detail the responsible for this section. A whole galactic world awaits us against the starry backdrop of Picardy for this new 2023/2024 season.”

The leisure volleyball section also has around thirty members who meet every Wednesday, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Betz gymnasium.

Finally, two Tai Chi groups were formed. “We work in a good atmosphere and everyone benefits,” say those responsible for this section. It must also be said that two levels are offered so that everyone can find their place…

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