between the eventual passes to the Llaryora team and those who celebrated with Milei

2023-11-20 19:04:13

In less than a week, PRO Córdoba had two internal shocks. On the one hand, the incorporation of Pedro Dellarossa, as made known by the provincial government, to Martín Llaryora’s cabinet team; and on the other, the division between the “neutrals” and those who celebrated the victory of Javier Milei in the runoff election, with the support of Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich.

The PRO deputies Laura Rodríguez Machado and Soher El Sukaria were present at the celebrations in Córdoba capital this Sunday. Both hugged the elected libertarian legislators and coordinated the inspection of this district. The mayor of La Paisanita and elected provincial legislator, Ignacio Sala, was also seen, who days ago confirmed that as a parliamentarian he will continue in the ranks of the Together for Change bloc, amid rumors that one of the four “yellow” leaders ” with a bench since December 10 would not continue in the coalition.

In these celebrations, the deputies made themselves available to their libertarian peers and assured that they will wait for national definitions of the agreement between former President Macri and Milei. Although they also hinted that this decision to support may not be shared by the entire national PRO table.

“Our work is collaborative, it was in inspection, in communication, in working together on everything they want. It is clear that it is a work on programmatic coincidences,” said Rodríguez Machado. “Yeah. There will surely be a legislative package that will begin to be discussed between the blocks starting this week, a joint effort. Our task is in the National Congress, where Milei will surely send his legislative package from the Executive, and we are going to work,” he added.

Sukaria, outgoing deputy and elected councilor in Córdoba, spoke of the need for a departmental analysis of the elections, of the participation of the PRO and its leaders, although she clarified: “Afterwards everything will depend on the party’s national table, on the decisions policies that a district, like Córdoba, accesses. This will begin in a conversation starting Tuesday (morning),” said the legislator.

In his account on the social network Once once more it was possible, it is possible.”

Also the national senator for Córdoba and leader of the PRO, Carmen Álvarez Rivero, greeted Milei via the same social network and assured: “The majority of Cordobans choose a change. A team that, with coherence and responsibility, achieved a great inspection job in our province.”

Dellarossa, the former mayor of Marcos Juárez who would join Llaryora’s Justicialist Government as Minister of Industry, had also expressed himself in favor of Milei and, following the victory, sent his congratulations. It is precisely expected that this week the provincial leadership of the PRO will have a debate table in which his expulsion is defined if his transfer to the provincial ruling party is confirmed.

If it comes to fruition, it would add to the departure of Javier Pretto, the elected vice mayor of Córdoba, who supported Milei in these elections.

Those who have not yet expressed themselves on their networks are the four outgoing PRO legislators, Darío Capitani, Alberto Ambrosio, Silvia Paleo and Raúl Recalde, who for a few days have been dreaming of possible passes to the Llaryora Government.

Oscar Agost Carreño, national deputy for the PRO and president of the party at the provincial level, was cautious in his statements, indicating that some definitions that will come in the coming days will be necessary which will allow him to have some certainty regarding how this space will be available in Cordova.

“It is premature to know, but what is certain is that Together for Change as we know it will mutate into something else. The majority will stay in the center; some will go to the extreme right. Macri resumed the prominence that he knew how to have at the beginning and a lot depends on whether he decides to co-govern and merge legislative blocks or take some distance, and even what place Milei is willing to give to Macri and Patricia in his government,” said Agost Carreño, who Last week he shared with Luis Juez and Rodrigo de Loredo a public complaint following the approval of a new law from the Court of Accounts, which they described as an “institutional outrage” for cutting controls on the tribunes.

“We will have a meeting at Dellarossa’s request to explain the ministry information that was leaked. In addition, we have been chatting and talking daily on the different lines of the PRO. But it seems to me that until everything is rearranged in Buenos Aires, there is little to talk regarding… We are talking regarding making it clear that those who go to the PJ, go in a personal capacity,” confided a “yellow” leader with arrival to the small provincial table.

#eventual #passes #Llaryora #team #celebrated #Milei



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