Better than prescription drugs Oranges can prevent cancer and arteriosclerosis | Chronic diseases | Weight loss | Lower cholesterol

All oranges have amazing health benefits, andtangerinr(Tangerines) are a particularly popular type of orange and a convenient snack.Studies have shown that oranges are beneficial to a series of obesity, cancer, etc.chronichave significant health benefits.

According to researchers at the University of Western Ontario in Canada,tangerinrIt contains a substance that not only helps prevent obesity, but also prevents type 2 diabetes. The compound even fights atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of most heart attacks and strokes.

A 2011 study by the university’s researchers, published in the journal Diabetes, showed that the substance contained in oranges is a powerful flavonoid called nobiletin.

In the experiments for this study, researchers fed mice a Western diet rich in harmful fats and simple sugars to study the effect of nobiliptin on metabolic syndrome in humans. As a result, the first group of mice became obese and displayed all the signs associated with metabolic syndrome — elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, elevated levels of insulin and glucose in the blood, and a fatty liver. Metabolic syndrome significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

The second group of mice had the exact same diet as the first, but the researchers added nobiliptin to it. The mice had no elevated levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin or glucose and gained normal weight. In addition, the mice became more sensitive to the effects of insulin.

The researchers concluded from their experiments that nobiliptin might prevent fat buildup in the liver by stimulating the expression of genes involved in burning excess fat and suppressing genes responsible for making fat.

In a long-term study, the researchers also found that nobiliptin also protects animals from atherosclerosis, calling for further research to determine whether nobiliptin provides adequate treatment for metabolic syndrome and related diseases in humans of treatment.

The researchers previously found that a flavonoid called naringenin in grapefruit has a similar protective effect once morest obesity and other symptoms of metabolic syndrome, a finding that has drawn international attention. But according to the researchers, nobiliptin is 10 times more potent than naringenin and has additional anti-atherosclerotic properties.

Tangerines are a type of citrus and are classified botanically as reticulated citrus. Citrus is native to Southeast Asia, and other varieties include Satsuma, Clementine and Dancey. They are called Tangiers because they are shipped to the United States from the North African port of Tangiers.

Oranges also contain a compound called citrus, which is a flavonoid that inhibits leukemia. The study found that both citrus and nobiliptin fight breast cancer cells.

Tangerines are generally sweeter than other citrus fruits, and their skins are bright orange and easy to peel. Some varieties are seedless, while others have seeds.

Looking to increase nobiliptin and citrus in your diet? Please eat more oranges, but don’t forget the nutrients on the skin. The healthiest compounds in citrus fruits are found in the peel, which can be added to marinades, salads, and desserts.

This article was originally published, reprinted and translated by the Chinese and English “Epoch Times”. For the English report, please see:Tangerine Compounds Protect Against Long List of Chronic Diseases

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Responsible editor: Li Fan



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