Beta 2 release for Apple macOS 13.4 developers! Is your goal primarily to fix bugs? | Camiapu | Deliver Apple news and IT information

About two weeks following the release of macOS 13.4 Beta 1, Apple released macOS 13.4 Beta 2 for developers.

Beta 2 release for Apple macOS 13.4 developers

The release notes for Beta 2 for macOS 13.4 developers only mention one bug fix that was mentioned in Beta 1, and there are no additional descriptions.


The corrections described in the release notes for macOS 13.4 developer beta 1 are as follows.

  • Apple Studio Display:Fixed bug where Apple Studio Display firmware update started showing progress but never completed

Apple has listed a workaround and to install other updates, including upcoming macOS beta updates, go to Software Update Preferences, click More Info, and check Apple Studio Display Firmware Update. It is recommended to remove and click “Install Now”.

The beta version may cause problems such as the device not working due to bugs, so be careful when using the beta version, such as using it on a sub machine.

Additional articles will be released when new features of macOS 13.4 are found.

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