Best Tips for Observing the Draconid Shooting Stars in 2023

2023-10-07 20:50:34

In October you can see Draconid shooting stars in the night sky. © Matthias Balk/dpa

The history of the Draconids is marked by impressive streams of shooting stars. 2023 will be less active, but observing conditions are perfect.

Munich – The Draconids represent a meteor shower that can be quite impressive. In 1933 and 1946 several thousand shooting stars were recorded per hour, while in 1985 and 1998 several hundred draconids were counted per hour, and in 2005 40 shooting stars were still seen per hour.

Despite these impressive numbers, the Draconids are usually a rather inconspicuous and weak meteor shower. For the year 2023, the International Meteor Organization (IMO) predicts in its annual meteor shower calendar a maximum of only ten shooting stars per hour under ideal conditions.

Name:Draconids (Giacobinids)Type:Shooting star streamOrigin comet:21P/Giacobini-ZinnerActivity:6.-10. OctoberMaximum:9. OctoberShooting stars per hour10 (in perfect conditions)Source: IMO

Draconid shooting stars are favorable in 2023

However, the maximum of the Draconids is favorable this year: it is on October 9th, a day on which the moon is only about a quarter illuminated and does not rise until after one o’clock in the morning. The full moon this month does not occur until October 28th – then a partial lunar eclipse can also be observed.

This offers ideal conditions for observing the Draconid shooting stars, as the constellation Dragon, from whose head the meteors seem to stream, is already high in the northwest in the sky after sunset. It can be found above the Ursa Major constellation and to the left of the Ursa Minor constellation.

Meteors of the Draconids are created by Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

The Draconid meteor shower occurs because the Earth passes through a trail of dust in its orbit around the sun every year, left in space by Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. When the dust particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they create the spectacular trails in the sky that we perceive as shooting stars. The Draconids, also called Giacobinids after their comet of origin, are only active for a few days a year. They are visible from around October 6th to 10th and are characterized by slow, yellow and mostly faint meteors.

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If you want to observe the Draconid shooting stars and other meteor showers that are active in autumn, you should look for a place that is as dark as possible with a good all-round view of the sky. It is advisable to make yourself comfortable there with a lounger or blanket, as you can see most shooting stars when you look straight up. Patience is also required when looking for meteors. To be prepared for cool autumn temperatures, you should have warm clothing and a hot drink with you.

Watching shooting stars: Aids don’t help

Aids such as a telescope or binoculars are not necessary when observing shooting stars and could even be a hindrance: only those who can see as large a part of the sky as possible at the same time will be able to see many shooting stars. In October there are also other celestial phenomena worth seeing. (tab)

Machine assistance was used for this article written by the editorial team. The article was carefully checked by editor Tanja Banner before publication.


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