Best diet for weight loss, here’s what to eat

Unfortunately, physical exercise is not enough, however losing weight it is also necessary to establish a Balanced dieta healthy and balanced diet, here’s what to eat
Set a régime self-respect certainly includes the consumption of a decent breakfast. Although more and more people are skipping the first meal of the day, breakfast is still the most important time to get the body to work properly.
Food: breakfast is the most important meal of the day
By the time we wake up, the body has recovered from eight hours of sleep and fasting, the pressure is low, and nocturnal brain processes cause us to crave energy. This is why it is important to integrate the deficiencies of the hours of sleep through a decent breakfast.
Indeed, eliminating meals promotes the slowing down of metabolismwith a substantial weight gain in the face of the slightest error.
For this reason, nutritionists recommend – in addition to the three main meals – to consume two snacks throughout the day, in order to stimulate the body in the elimination of calories. But what should we eat? Let’s find out together.

Food: Breakfast remains the most important meal
First of all, know that the italian breakfast (croissant and cappuccino) is the worst way to start the day because it causes a sudden spike in blood sugar. What does this imply ? Basically, the consumption of sugars causes you to acquire immediate energy, which however runs out in no time. In fact, the right breakfast provides the right amount of carbohydrates and protein. For this reason, you can rely on eggs.
Diet: The best diet you can do to lose weight, here’s what to eat
Eat whole foods
Eating whole foods, such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, and pasta, helps with weight loss. These foods are digested more slowly than the white varieties, so they will help you feel full longer.
Eat fruits and vegetables
Crucial for the diet try to eat at least 5 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables per day.

Reduce the amount of fat
It can contribute to weightloss reduce the amount of fat you eat: for example, you can eliminate fat from meat, drink skimmed or semi-skimmed milk instead of whole milk, choose a low-fat spread and replace cream with yogurt low fat.
Avoid carbonated drinks
If you’re craving a snack, you can try a drink first, such as a glass of water or a cup of tea. We often think we are hungry when in reality we are thirsty. You can replace high-calorie drinks with low-calorie alternatives, i.e. drinks low in fat, sugar and alcohol. A sweet carbonated drink can be replaced, for example, by sparkling water with a slice of lemon. It is important to remember that alcohol is high in calories, so reduce alcohol can help check your weight.
Finally, it is essential to practice regular physical activity which will not only help you lose weight but might also reduce the risk of developing diseases. The amount of physical activity recommended depends on your age.
Adults aged 19-64 who are new to activity should aim to build up to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity



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