Berlusconi and Putin.. “Vodka” leaks ignite controversy in Italy

Berlusconi In the audio recording published on the site "no press"، "I used to call President Putin, adding that Putin sent him 20 bottles of vodka and"very good message" On his 86th birthday last month.

A spokeswoman said European CommissionOn Wednesday, it was investigating whether the vodka shipment constituted a violation of European sanctions once morest Russia.

It was additional statements leaked on Wednesday that raised concerns, with Berlusconi blaming Ukraine at the outbreak of war.

He added: "Putin had to launch his own operation in Ukraine, reach Kiev to overthrow the government, and install a government that he had already chosen. Ukrainian minority Composed of more rational leaders".

And he continued: Putin was surprised by the resistance fueled by weapons from the West, adding: "Today unfortunately there are no leaders in the western world, no leaders in Europe and the United States of America, no real leaders".

And following Mr. Berlusconi’s statements, it seems Georgia Meloni party leader "Fratelli d’Italia"The right-winger, who vowed in a recent interview to continue sending arms to Ukraine, is increasingly lonely in its support for Ukraine, especially amid growing political pressure from the left.

Berlusconi, who left power 10 years ago, but whose party is part of the coalition that won the last elections, has a strong friendship with the president. Vladimir Putin.


And he said Berlusconi In the audio recording posted on La Presse, “I used to call President Putin, adding that Putin sent him 20 bottles of vodka and a ‘very kind message’ for his 86th birthday last month.”

A spokeswoman said European CommissionOn Wednesday, it was investigating whether the vodka shipment constituted a violation of European sanctions once morest Russia.

It was additional statements leaked on Wednesday that raised concerns, with Berlusconi blaming Ukraine at the outbreak of war.

“Putin had to launch his own operation in Ukraine, reach Kiev to overthrow the government, and install a government that he had already chosen,” he added. Ukrainian minority made up of more rational leaders.”

And he continued: Putin was surprised by the resistance fueled by weapons from the West, adding: “Today, unfortunately, there are no leaders in the Western world, there are no leaders in Europe and the United States of America, there are no real leaders.”

And following Mr. Berlusconi’s statements, it seems Georgia Meloni The leader of the right-wing Fratelli d’Italia party, who vowed in a recent interview to continue sending arms to Ukraine, is increasingly lonely in her support for Ukraine, especially amid growing political pressure from the left.

Berlusconi, who left power 10 years ago, but whose party is part of the coalition that won the last elections, has a strong friendship with the president. Vladimir Putin.



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