Berlin Maintains Stance Against Supplying Long-Range Missiles

2024-09-13 18:28:00

This is the line that Berlin refuses to cross. On Friday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will not change its decision not to deliver long-range missiles to Ukraine.

« Germany has made a clear decision about what we do and what we do not do. This decision will not change. “, the German leader said at a press conference in Berlin.

The German leader has repeatedly reaffirmed his opposition to his country, the largest European contributor of financial and military aid to Ukraine, delivering German-made Taurus long-range missiles to kyiv.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been calling for these weapons with a range of more than 500 kilometers that could reach deep into Russian territory for several months. Many German elected officials, including those in Olaf Scholz’s coalition, are asking the Chancellor to take the step.

War comes to Russia

London and Washington hesitate

A green light for the use of Western long-range missiles against Russia is also on the agenda of discussions on Friday at the White House between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Joe Biden.

kyiv hopes to obtain from the two leaders greater freedom of action to use the Storm Shadow missiles supplied by the United Kingdom and the ATACMS supplied by the United States, weapons with a maximum range of several hundred kilometers that would make it possible to reach the logistics sites of the Russian army and the airfields from which its bombers take off.

Asked about this, Olaf Scholz’s spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said: ” The weapons that the United States and Britain are discussing now are weapons that we have not supplied (…) and in this respect there is no change ». Olaf Scholz is ” very firm ” on this subject, he added.

Investigation: Russia addicted to Telegram

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the German head of government has repeatedly aligned himself with Washington’s decisions on arms deliveries to Ukraine, coordinating closely with President Joe Biden. But the chancellor must maintain a delicate balance between his commitment to help Ukraine ” as long as it takes ” and the fears of a section of public opinion that is worried about a possible escalation. Coming from a long pacifist tradition, the chancellor’s social-democratic party is in free fall in the polls, largely beaten in two recent regional elections by the far-right AfD party, opposed to military support for Ukraine.

Russia threatens to enter ” in a direct war » with the West

The subject is all the more divisive because on Friday, the Russian ambassador to the UN firmly warned the West against the possibility of authorizing kyiv to use these weapons, which would commit NATO. in a direct war » against a « nuclear power ».

the Russian ambassador Vassili Nebenzia, denouncing this ” worrying trend “, stressed President Vladimir Putin’s warnings, as US and British leaders are due to discuss the issue in Washington. This potential development fundamentally changes our relations with the West “, the ambassador insisted.

« If the decision to lift the restrictions is really taken, it will mean that from that moment on, NATO countries will wage a direct war against Russia. In this case, we will have to, as you understand, make the appropriate decisions with all the consequences that Western aggressors may incur. ” he warned.

« The fact is that NATO will be a direct party in hostilities against a nuclear power, I think you should not forget that and think about the consequences. ” he told the Council.

The United States responded by once again accusing Russia of having received ballistic missiles from Iran. Iran’s transfers represent a dramatic escalation and a destabilizing development ” said Deputy US Ambassador Robert Wood, accusing North Korea of ​​supplying missiles and munitions to Russia, and China of providing ” components “which could be used by the Russian defense sector.” It is clear that there is an urgent need to help Ukraine defend itself from missile attacks. ” he added, without mentioning the issue of long-range missiles.

#Berlin #maintains #deliver #longrange #missiles

– Why has Germany ‌refused to deliver long-range missiles to Ukraine?

Germany Refuses to Deliver Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine,​ Drawing Warning from Russia

In a move that has sparked controversy, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has reaffirmed his country’s ​decision not to deliver long-range missiles to ‌Ukraine, despite repeated calls from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and some German politicians. The announcement has drawn a stern warning from Russia, which has threatened⁣ to enter​ into “a ⁣direct war” with the West if ​such weapons are authorized ⁢for use against its territory.

Scholz’s stance on the issue ‍has been consistent, with the German ⁤leader maintaining that his country ⁣will not change its decision on the matter. “Germany has made a clear decision about what we do and what we do not⁤ do. This decision will not change,” Scholz said at a press conference in Berlin.

The weapons in question are German-made Taurus long-range⁣ missiles, which have ⁣a ⁤range of over 500 kilometers and could⁤ reach‍ deep into Russian territory. Ukraine has been seeking these weapons to bolster its defense ⁣against Russian aggression, but Germany ‌has been hesitant to supply them ⁢due to ⁣fears of escalation.

The issue has caused a ‌rift between Germany and Ukraine, with Zelensky’s government pushing for greater military aid from its European allies. ‌The Ukrainian president has been seeking ⁢to acquire Western long-range missiles, including the Storm Shadow missiles supplied by the UK and the ATACMS supplied by the US,​ which could target Russian ⁤logistics sites and airfields.

However, ⁢Germany’s refusal to supply the missiles has been met with opposition from some of its own politicians, who argue that the country should do more to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. The German government’s stance has also been criticized by Ukrainian officials, who argue that Germany’s hesitation is undermining Ukraine’s ability ‍to defend itself against ⁢Russian aggression.

Russia has responded to the development with a stern warning, with its ambassador to the UN, Vassili Nebenzia, threatening that authorization of the use ‌of⁣ Western long-range missiles against Russia would ‌commit NATO to “a​ direct war” against a​ nuclear power. Nebenzia warned that such a move would have “fundamental” consequences for relations between Russia and⁢ the West, and that Russia ⁤would be forced ​to take “appropriate decisions” in response.

The warning has sparked concerns about the potential for ‍escalation in the conflict, with some analysts warning that the provision of long-range missiles to ⁣Ukraine could lead to a wider conflict involving NATO and Russia. The development has also highlighted the delicacy of the balancing act that European leaders must perform in their response to the⁣ conflict in Ukraine, balancing the need to support Ukraine’s sovereignty with the risk of provoking a broader⁤ conflict with Russia.

In response to Russia’s warning, the‍ US has accused Iran of⁤ supplying ballistic​ missiles to Russia, and North Korea of providing munitions and missiles to the Russian‌ military. The accusation has added to the tensions between the US and Russia, which have ​been simmering since the start of​ the Ukraine conflict.

As the situation continues to​ unfold, one thing is clear: ‌the stakes are‍ high,‌ and the potential consequences of escalation are⁣ dire. ​As European leaders grapple with ⁤the complexities of the conflict in‌ Ukraine, one thing is​ certain – the need for careful diplomacy and careful consideration ​of the ‍potential consequences of their actions has never been more pressing.

Keywords: Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Olaf⁢ Scholz, Volodymyr Zelensky, ‌long-range missiles, Taurus missiles, Storm Shadow missiles, ATACMS, ​NATO, UN, Vassili Nebenzia, Iran, North Korea, ballistic missiles, escalation, conflict, diplomacy.

What reasons did Germany provide for refusing to deliver long-range missiles to Ukraine?

Germany Refuses to Deliver Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine Amid Russia’s Threats of Direct War

As the Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues to escalate, Germany has reaffirmed its decision not to deliver long-range missiles to Ukraine, despite repeated requests from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The news comes as Russia threatens to enter into a direct war with the West if NATO countries authorize Ukraine to use such weapons.

London and Washington Hesitate

On Friday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that his country would not change its decision not to deliver German-made Taurus long-range missiles to Ukraine. This decision is seen as a significant blow to Ukraine, which has been seeking to acquire the weapons to defend itself against Russian aggression.

Meanwhile, in Washington, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden are discussing the possibility of authorizing Ukraine to use Western long-range missiles against Russia. However, it remains to be seen whether they will take the step, given the risks of escalation.

Russia Threatens to Enter “in a Direct War” with the West

Russia has been vehemently opposed to the idea of Ukraine acquiring long-range missiles, with its ambassador to the UN warning that such a move would commit NATO to a direct war with a nuclear power. Ambassador Vassili Nebenzia stressed that this potential development would fundamentally change Russia’s relations with the West.

Why Has Germany Refused to Deliver Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine?

Germany’s decision not to deliver long-range missiles to Ukraine is seen as a deliberate choice to avoid escalating the conflict. Chancellor Scholz has repeatedly reaffirmed his commitment to helping Ukraine, but has also emphasized the need to maintain a delicate balance between supporting Ukraine and avoiding direct confrontation with Russia.

Germany’s social-democratic party, to which Scholz belongs, has a long pacifist tradition and is concerned about the potential risks of escalation. Furthermore, the party has been struggling in the polls, and is wary of taking steps that could be seen as provocative by the Russian government.

The Consequences of Germany’s Decision

Germany’s refusal to deliver long-range missiles to Ukraine has significant implications for the conflict. Ukraine will likely continue to press for the acquisition of such weapons, which could lead to further tensions with Russia. The US and UK may also face pressure to take a more decisive stance on the issue, which could lead to a further escalation of the conflict.

In the meantime, Russia’s threats of direct war with the West are likely to continue to dominate the headlines, as the international community struggles to find a way to bring an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Keywords: Olaf Scholz, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, long-range missiles, NATO, direct war, Keir Starmer, Joe Biden, Vassili Nebenzia, Volodymyr Zelensky.



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